✨23- Let's take it slow

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it was like a bright new start for Jungkook and Taehyung, it was Jungkook's first time dating someone and it was Taehyung's first time dating a guy. The two boys with their red cheeks, that was present throughout the day, were right now laying next to each other---with a gap in between them

Taehyung soon cleared his throat and spoke to remove the tension across the room, 

"uhm sorry for s-shouting at you earlier" Jungkook looked at him and Taehyung swore his heart stopped looking at the boy beside him

"it's okay, I am into angry confessions" Jungkook said seriously but nervous and Taehyung chuckled hearing that nodding.

"w-want t-to cuddle?" Taehyung asked and smacked himself for stuttering, when he heard no response he sighed feeling embarrassed but suddenly his space was invaded

Jungkook shifter closer and laid his head on Taehyung's head and wrapped himself around the older, Jungkook stuffed his face in Taehyung's chest feeling embarrassed and the older chuckled and hugged him back tighter

"I am sorry if I seem boring, it's my first time dati--"

"jungkook-ah, I am not dating you for entertainment, I am dating you because I l-like you and as long as I like you, that is for ever, you never have to be insecure with me" Jungkook kept quiet at that and smiled, his face feeling hot.

he looked up from his boyfriend's chest and smiled looking at the boxy smile that made his heart flutter, he leaned up and gave a quick peck, pressing his lips to the elder's who was surprised. 

"someone is getting brave huh?" Taehyung said and both the boys chuckled to that. after a minute of silence Jungkook heard yawns coming from Taehyung by being tired after a long day

he got up from the rooftop, and pulled Taehyung up,

"let's go sleep" nodding the two boys went down to see everyone knocked out, Jimin cuddled up tiny on Namjoon, Hoseok moving his arms in search for Yoongi who was royally sleeping on the couch above his boyfriend, Jin sleeping next to Yoongi and the three girls missing, probably in Heejin's room

"woah" Jungkook said and Taehyung sighed dragging the younger to the his room

"as much as I want to cuddle with you, I'd like to take things slow, if that's okay with you" Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded his head smiling, he stood by the door watching Taehyung leave to the guest room suddenly regretting not kissing him before leaving.

as Jungkook slowly closed the door and sat on his bed smiling, happy about today, he heard a knock and headed to open it to see his boyfriend,

"fuck taking it slow" Taehyung said and kissed the younger hard who had his eyes widened but soon closed his eyes and began kissing back.

both the boys stumbled inside the room and Jungkook was pinned against the wall, his waist being voyaged by Taehyung and his arms were surrounding Taehyung's neck

the kissed showed their hunger and the way they were moving fast showed no hesitation between them, teeth were clashing and soon Taehyung squeezed his waist letting a gasp escape Jungkook letting Taehyung wonder in his mouth with his tongue,

both soon pulled away and before Taehyung could say anything, Jungkook pulled him by his collar and kissed him again and this time Taehyung didn't hesitate and kissed him back. This time being fierce he moved his hands to Jungkook's lower back slowly moving further down and cupping his ass making Jungkook moan, this encouraged Taehyung to go further by pulling away and he began kissing his neck while squeezing his ass as Jungkook rolled his eyes at the feeling but the feeling soon stopped

"as much as I want to continue, I really want to take it slow" Taehyung once again said and the both boys began laughing.


"hello sleepyhead" Jimin said to Jungkook who was coming out from his room, his hair messy and cheeks puffed, it took Taehyung his everything from kissing the boy in front of them

"shut up shorty" and soon the room gasped hearing the silent boy speak, 

"I warned you guys, he gets grumpy in the mornings" Heejin said giving her brother the cereal bowl

"we got a Yoongi 2.0" Namjoon said and Yoongi smacked his head as he sat in the chair next to Jungkook eating the cereal

"hey Jungkook, what happened to your neck" Jin asked concerned as Jungkook dropped his spoon and began coughing, more like choking on his cereal milk, and looked at Taehyung who was gulping.

"o-oh nothing, j-just straightener" he said and blushed thinking of yesterday's event and rubbed his legs together feeling hot all of a sudden

"you seriously think we'd believe that? It was Minghao right? I saw the way you guys were looking at each other" Hoseok said smirking and all agreed

While Taehyung felt Sooyoung's concerned stare and an apologetic look flashed on her face and Taehyung pretended to be broken in front of her, he began pouting and looked occasionally as the girl trying his best to convince that he is sad.

"n-no it was Taehyung!" Jungkook spat out at the heavy amount of false accusations thrown at him by basically everyone in the room and just like that Taehyung removed his pout and mumbled a 'shit' slowly

"hey" Taehyung said as he received everyone's stare and he smiled sheepishly.

"finally" Jimin started and soon everyone began saying the same

"w-wait what" Jungkook asked and everyone stopped mumbling and looked at him

"do you think we are stupid? we could smell the tension between you both" Hoseok said and all agreed

"god this is embarrassing" Taehyung said and headed towards Jungkook and sat beside him

"yeah Mr. 'let's take it slow'" Jungkook said and glared at Taehyung pointing at the marks on his necks

"I figured Tae would say that"

"that is so Tae"

"he'll fuck you and tell, let's take it slow"  


you guys literally make my day, the comments and every time I get notifs saying "___ added one night to ____" makes me so happy.

Thank you so much for the support and i'll try my best to update soon till then Take care and stay safe

with love,


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