✨25- The hugs

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"stop playing with that and pay attention to me!" Jungkook exclaimed frustrated and Taehyung just chuckled and continued playing on his phone, probably on his phone only for the younger's cute whining

"you know what fine, bye" the younger said huffing as Taehyung rolled his eyes

"bye" Jungkook heavily gasped at taehyung's reply as he stormed over to the sofa and snatched his phone and smirked

but soon enough Taehyung got up and went to Jungkook who quickly ran as Taehyung ran behind him,

"where are you going? you make me feel like this house is huge" Taehyung said rolling his eyes as he back hugged the younger, slowly sighing into the embrace

"if this is how you approach me to get your phone back, might as well never give back" Jungkook said smiling with red cheeks and Taehyung chuckled and nodded

"and you might as well keep the phone with you then" they both chuckled as Jungkook slowly turned around still in the embrace of the older, pecking his lips and rubbing their nose together

"why is this so awkward for me to watch?" Heejin asked to herself as she was watching the whole scene unfold

'maybe it's because it's my ex and my brother kissing' she thought to herself and nodding left to her room rolling her eyes while smiling

Sure it did hurt at some point for her, the insecurity that maybe she never gave him enough always came to her everyday. The way he laughs and plays with Jungkook wasn't something that happened often with her, so she gradually begin doubting herself. It had been 3 months already of them together and she was beyond happy for her brother getting the love he deserves.

Like Taehyung himself, Heejin too was broken before the relationship. Her constant thought approach making her feel guilty of doing nothing for her family, her brother. She had many boyfriends who left her once she told she wasn't ready for sex or anything intense just yet. Taehyung made her comfortable and became her first which she obviously doesn't regret. Just like any ex, she felt she could have been a better a girlfriend.

she and Seokjin had gone on dates but after their 3rd date he still hasn't contacted her from almost a week, ensuring her that he plainly rejected her. She convinced herself that all he wanted was sex. Of course, she didn't tell to her brother or Taehyung, Seokjin was their best friend and she had no intention of ruining it. 

her thoughts were interrupted by someone barging to her room, she looked to see Taehyung who she smiled at and got one in return, but that didn't last long as he frowned immediately, running to her

"are you crying?" he asked and she looked confused, she pressed her hands on her cheeks and felt it to be wet, she scoffed playfully and replied

"i didn't even realize, it's just because of college stress and all" Taehyung slightly smiled at that and patted her head ensuring it will be over soon, she nodded hearing his words smiling

"I haven't heard about Seokjin from you since really long? what happened between you both?" Taehyung asked and she gave a tight fake smile

"we talk here and there, because of college assignment I haven't been able to meet him just yet" she said and Taehyung nodded hugging her

"don't take too much stress okay? wait why don't you go outside and take some rest huh? the books will be here itself" he said and she thought for a moment and agreed to that

she got up from her bed and went to her cupboard taking out a hoodie and leggings, heading to the washroom.

Taehyung in her bedroom smiled as he felt successful in making Heejin calm, his eyes voyaged around the room as he saw all their pictures and many Jungkook's pictures, it looked more like Jungkook's room than hers.

His eyes suddenly caught the view of a medical receipt which on the top said "seoul university, therapy.", confused he grabbed and quickly stuffed in his pocket hearing the bathroom door unlock, he hit himself mentally for meddling into others business

"i'll leave then, and on my way i'll bring some pastries too" she said now joyfully as she exited the room after hugging Taehyung and hitting Jungkook, who was busy working in his laptop, on his head on her way to the door, screaming a 'bye'.

"kook here take a look at this" Taehyung said removing the paper from his pocket and sitting beside Jungkook,

"Tae? love, i am a bit busy right now"

"it's really important" Taehyung said and Jungkook removed his headphones paying attention to his boyfriend

"what's that" Jungkook asked and Taehyung shrugged

Taehyung then soon read the letter out loud, "Dear Jeon Heejin, We have the results of the daily mental health checkup and there are a few thing we'd like to talk about. according to the results, you have been diagnosed--" Taehyung stopped midway gulping harshly, regretting bringing this to the younger, but Jungkook was fast enough to read what was written and taehyung closed his eyes as he saw a lone tear drop from the younger.

"--with sleep insomnia, ptsd, depressive psychosis and anxiety disorder, we would like to meet you soon for the talk with Dr. Lee, the head psychologist as soon as possible"

Jungkook on reading this got up from his seat and ran to his bedroom, grabbing his coat, on the way smashing everything he saw, and running out of the house, of course followed by Taehyung.

"Jungkook! wait! please wait" Taehyung screamed and ran to the younger hugging him tightly holding him in place while his boyfriend wiggled around wanting to escape

"leave, I SAID TO LEAVE ME" he shouted and Taehyung flinched harshly to the shouting, Jungkook, who felt the flinch stopped his breath hearing the older cry.


"what brother am I? I didn't even ask her how she was ever since we got together! I've been too happy to care about her? this is why I didn't want a relationship. We were better as friends" as soon as Jungkook said those words he himself flinched and felt embarrassed for spilling things he knew he didn't mean to sprout

Taehyung understood he said that in the heat of the argument but still he couldn't help but sob to what he said, he still continued to hug Jungkook and the talking

"l-let Heejin take a walk, she needs some time alone, when she comes home, let's then talk to her. you aren't in the right state right now okay?" Taehyung said still hugging Jungkook who was still regretting everything he did in the span of an hour

Jungkook turned and hugged Taehyung tightly to which Taehyung again flinched causing Jungkook to cry harshly,

"okay, love?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung hummed 

"I don't know what I just said right now, but believe me, I want this relationship more than anything. I am so sorry for shouting at you, saying things I shouldn't have and taking my anger out on you" Taehyung shook his head and pecked Jungkook's cheeks who grabbed the elder's face and kissed him deeply

"it's okay"

i love you



Sorry for the late uploads, i have my exams coming soon. 

love you.


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