✨9- Loser and First Kisses

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"Yeah no I am not falling for that again" I exclaimed out loud flapping my hands back and forth my full attention to the game i was playing,

"please its just for what like 15 minutes, come on Jungkook" i heard her say and i gasped out loud slamming my controller down to the table and glared at her from above my glasses,

"it's oppa to you" i said gritting my teeth, she gulped and nodded frantically, she hunched her shoulders, sighing she went out of my room and headed down to where all her friends were.

it was HeeYoung's Farewell party and all her close friends were there down enjoying, as much as i wanted to go down there the twice as much i didn't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone,

i stared at my room and sighed, thinking what i should now. 'let's sleep' but i already slept for 11 hours, fuck it you can never sleep too much,

i squealed and jumped on my bed, my face squishing on the pillow and sighed out in relief but that didn't last long when i suddenly heard a glass breaking sound from downstairs.

i gasped and jumped out of my bed, i immediately reached out to the door heading downstairs, 'my house!'

i reached down to see a glass down to shreds and a guy with his hand empty, indicating that he did the artwork, i was somewhat relieved knowing it was just a drinking glass and then i saw Heejin smiling with all her teeth flashing at me, she nudged Sooyoung from the side and i saw sooyoung muttering a 'what' to her, then quickly she nodded and headed towards me,

"Jungkook---" she started and i was quick to interrupt her,

"oppa" i said and she quickly took the sign that i was pissed and she came in front of me and smiled, 

"jungkook oppa" she said her teeth gritted slightly as she looked at me like she was threatening me, wait isn't it supposed to be me who should threaten her,

I glared back at her with as much power as she was at me, 

"what are they doing?" i heard Jimin ask to Heejin who just sighed looking down and rubbing the back of her neck, 

"AH OKAY JUST DON'T DO IT AGAIN" i sighed raising my hands in defeat as Sooyoung smiled and patted her shoulder, i looked at her in disbelief and turned my back towards her heading to my room

"no no come here loser" i ignored her but soon enough i felt a force on my hood, i turned my head to see Sooyoung pulling my hood and dragging me, where all were seated

"no young-ah listen i seriously am busy right now--" she looked at me,

"you WERE busy and plus its not a question i am saying it to you" i sighed at what she said 'how does she get to say the perfect comeback every single fucking time?', i kept my eyes low and let her drag me,

"its called the 'top energy'" i heard Yoongi say and i chuckled at that,

"nah man she radiates BDE" Jimin exclaimed smirking at the sight of me being dragged

"what's that?" the guy who supposedly broke the glass asked

"big dick energy" Taehyung nonchalantly replied

"but she has no dick" 

"how do you know th--" Yoongi was quickly interrupted by Heejin,

"okay so now like can we stop sexualizing my Bestfriend"


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