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"no it doesn't look good, what is wrong with you? are you colorblind?"

"you know as someone who is your boyfriend, a little respect would be appreciated" Seokjin said in complete disbelief looking at his girlfriend who was busy arranging the tables

"seokjin, you were clearly testing my patience, and stop changing the topic, pink looks terrible with black" the  girl said huffing and moving her baby hairs out of her face, her bunny teeth sticking out while whining

"Heejin, Its not my fault that Yoongi wants his wedding to be black color themed, could have taken this for a halloween instead" Seokjin said in disbelief as he looked around the hall, although the wedding hall was black themed, it looked-ethereal

the wedding hall highlighted the white and silver altar, the diamond looking chandelier chosen by Jungkook who kept singing 'i'm gonna swing from the chandelier' while buying was hung above, although the black curtains made the wedding seem more like a funeral, it looked beautiful

"when will we marry" Seokjin asked hugging his girlfriend looking around the hall who smiled shyly but hid it well

"when you finally take a shower" Seokjin rolled his eyes looking down at his girlfriend who was secretly enjoying the hug

"we literally showered together today" Heejin rolled her eyes secretly and changed the topic, she didn't want to blush anymore now

"I still can't believe Hobi didn't fight back" Heejin said shaking her head

"stop changing the topic but apparently they had a deal, if hobi would top then yoongi could choose the wedding theme and vice-versa" Heejin looked at her boyfriend wide-eyed

"they knew from the start that they'd marry?" the younger asked

"of course, they are soulmates, no one else could marry them" after an awkward minute of silence the older asked

"wanna shower again?"


"butterfly you need to get down from the chair you'll fall from there" the taller warned his boyfriend who teary eyed jumped around

"i really don't care, my boyfriend just proposed to me wearing nothing but a superman themed boxer, couldn't you like be more presentable" the blond haired boy huffed smiling with tears as he looked at the ring embracing his tiny fingers

"not my fault you almost found the ring, i panicked and immediately asked you" the purple haired justified

"Joon, who hides a ring in the drawer?" Jimin asked

"I was scared okay, thinking i'd break it" Jimin giggled muttering a 'thank god' and kissing his boyfriend deeply who responded and sneaked his hands under Jimin's skirt

"you are in this forever with me, you know that right" Namjoon said pulling out of the kiss, Jimin smiled sweetly

"i am pretty sure i can handle you breaking everything for my entire life" they both began giggling and kissing, both had their tears staining their cheeks

after spending almost 5 years together as lovers and 4 years as friends, they were the happiest now. spending each decision and each step, they were beyond ready to seal their love. 

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