As we were walking out of the market, we decided to get more personal I guess. I wasn't very prepared, but I felt completely fine talking to her about anything. She was warm and clear like... honey.
I grabbed her waist and pulled her in close so we could walk as one through the city. She didn't say anything, nor did I. I would try my best to keep it together as long as I could.
"So... do you have any crazy ex's I should look out for?"
"Well, actually, I do have one. She's not crazy though, she's just my ex. My first love." I stiffened. It felt weird saying that to a girl I pretty much already had a crush on but I was hoping to get a good story back.
"How long did you and her last for?" She tickled at her fingers softly; It wasn't hard to notice.
"A good two years." A sadness flew over my body. But it only for a few passing seconds. You will never forget the first love.
"She sounds sweet." She looked up at me. One big difference between the two of them were they pretty, but holy smokes was Pearl so much better.
"You'd be surprised, everybody thinks she is, but I'm telling you, everyone who was ever in any type of relationship with her, whether that be a love relationship or friendship knows how deeply bad she is." It was true. You'd think she has a million friends, but she doesn't. She has a phone with only messages on it; No snapbap or anything of the sort, only instajam. But she never replies to messages on there. At least I could know she's loyal.
"She sounds hard; Hard to deal with." Pearl looked back down as we walked the streets. She was hard to deal with, but I loved her. I once loved her.
"Yeah, yeah, she was. But she was pretty cool too" I waited for another question but nothing came, "What about you?"
"Never." It was remarkable. A girl this perfect has never done anything?
"I don't believe you..." She laughed and looked up at me.
"I swear! Tons of boys told me they liked me, It was nice, but none ever felt right. I know some of them were nice boys and maybe it would have been fun bu,t I like being by myself. I'm comfortable that way. And anyways, I read books."
"Books? But you're so confident in... this." She was good at it. Wasn't she?
She moved perfectly and asked all the right questions. Weren't books always perfect..? Does this mean this is perfect?
"You'd be surprised. I guess the books helped me a lot, huh." She looked up at me once again, and I couldn't help but smile. The butterflies inside glowed through my cheeks like the moon's light.
I looked around to notice the park was just up the block. I was definitely going to make a move. A kiss? No, it's way too early, honestly some of the things I've done already, I would have done weeks in.
"We're almost here." We continued to walk. I decided to tease her a bit and let go of her waist; I started to run up the park leaving her behind. The streets were empty enough for her to see me, I'm sure she won't get lost.
"Victor! Oh my god!" Her wine echoed through the passing cars. I decided to pick up my speed.
I ran up, well maybe not ran but jogged, all the way to the opening of the park. Right in the middle of the field was the huge movie projector.
This is the most aesthetic thing I've ever done. She's going to love it... I hope.
Something touches my shoulder and I turn around to see Pearl. She falls her hands to her knees and breaths in and out deeply. She must not be very athletic. But who was I kidding, neither was I.

𝙸 𝙼𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙰𝚜 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕
RomanceI try not to stare most of the time, but for some reason, tonight, I just couldn't look away. I've seen many pretty girls before in so many different places; Including the light rail, but for some reason tonight, she was just so much lovelier than...