3am - 5am

16 2 0


When you're riding down the streets of Chicago on a bike, there are so many different things you can possibly talk about, but you can't, because your riding on a bike down big streets; in Chicago.

Not many people I know like to talk about striking things. Here's something that can get you heated; Why do such bad people get good things? I mean, there is probably that one whore in your school that has lost her virginity probably about 10 times. Plays with innocent hearts. But there has to be someone out there that can change her heart, right? I'm not too sure. That's what my last fella said when he went for her. Actually dated for about a month. It's about a week more than anyone else has ever gotten but it ended with her cheating; Poor guy.

I mean, how is that even fair? She keeps getting so many men and has lots of money and lots of other bitchy friends. How does that make any sense? Maybe she has struggled with something but man I wish it wasn't something in secret like it probably is. I love karma, it just kind of lets you know you can be a good person always.

But on top of that, nobody I talk to about these things ever really understands what I'm trying to say. Well, maybe they understand perfectly, and that's why all they reply with is simple, I know. Or yeah I get that. For sure. Definitely. Like ok? Do you want to add on? Let's have a conversation about it, I mean I wouldn't bring it up in the first place if I didn't want to talk about it with that person. I wonder if Pearl would talk to me about these things. I think that would be really comforting.

My ending quote to that conversation is always the same though... they might have it good now, but I know damn well karma with catch up and make their future a hell. I mean, that's the only thing that makes sense. Like I swear to god, if any of these dumb, mean, beautiful-looking people ever get a better future than some of these hard-working people who go through hardship every day and you can tell, the world is shit. It most definitely is already though.

We were getting closer to the beach. You could hear the waves from here. Thats the nicest part of nighttime, even here in Chicago; It's quieter here. When you hear 20 minutes, you think it will almost take forever, but honestly, I think this is going by pretty fast.

Pearl was following behind me. She didn't know where she was going after all. I haven't been to the beach myself in quite a while. Wish I went down a lot more; The beach is very relaxing. Maybe the salty air would help me out too.

"Hey, how much longer do we have to go you think?" Thankfully I could make out what Pearl was saying though it was hard to figure it out.

"Not too much longer. Keep going, you can do it." I smiled even though I know she couldn't see it.

That's an interesting topic. Smiling at strangers. Why do we do it? To look more peaceful and friendly right? I mean when you make eye contact with a total stranger in public, you smile to make it look like you aren't going to kill them. And when they don't smile back and just keep walking or keep staring at you, you shift awkwardly. That shit is awkward. Smiling is friendly. It's soft and pure; Even if you don't show your teeth. But do you smile and nod? Maybe just smile while keeping eye contact to see if they smile back at you? I usually just smile and then look down at the floor.

They probably don't look very confident. I wonder if smiling makes you look more confident. Maybe confident with talking to a stranger? I mean, when you don't smile back, I think, oh damn, ok, rude much? I wonder if people who don't smile think they look confident. I think smiling is friendly, not smiling is rude, and maybe a smirk would be considered a good, confident attraction. It makes the most sense.

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