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Alexis was getting her stream set up when she got a concerning text from Sean.

Alexis was getting her stream set up when she got a concerning text from Sean

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She switched to Twitter and saw she had over 3K notifications. She scrolled through and most were people replying to a post she was tagged in. She normally didn't look at posts that she'd been tagged in, but since Sean had made it seem urgent she made an exception. 

When the post opened up, she saw a woman with her body slightly off-center to the camera. Of course, because of Twitter's weird cropping, the woman's face was cut off. She clicked into the photo and saw the woman's face. It took her a few seconds to realize what she was looking at. But when she did, she felt her heart drop out of her ass. 

It was her. At the Zoo. Somebody had taken a picture of her at the owl exhibit. Someone had just exposed what she looked like for thousands of people to see. She pulled Twitter up on her computer, ignoring the stream she had planned, then called Sean on her phone.

(Sean's talking is in this Alexis's talking is in this)
"Sean? Are you seeing this?"
"Yeah. I don't know how anyone could tell it was you. I think people are just jumping to conclusions."
"But it is me!" She started to hyperventilate.
"Try to breathe for me, okay?" He paused. "They don't know it's you. They think it's you," he said trying to calm her down. "I'm reading through some of the replies. Most people are saying it's not you. They're attacking the original poster for jumping to conclusions. You'll be okay." She slowly calmed her breathing, tapping her hand against her desk.
"How could someone know that was me..? And if they didn't know it was me, why would they take a photo of a random person?"
"I don't know, Alex. Maybe they heard your voice and recognized it?" Her heart jumped.
"What if they heard Aaron's voice? What if they got a photo of him!?" She screamed into the phone. "Oh my god, he's going to hate me!"
"Alex! Why would he hate you?"
"I made him go to the Zoo!"
"Calm down! I'm sure if someone got a picture of him they would have already posted it somewhere. I'll search around and call you back, okay?" She nodded even though he couldn't see her. 

He hung up the phone and began his search for a 'Corpse Face Reveal'. Alexis sat at her desk waiting for him to call back. After ten minutes, when it was already five minutes after she was supposed to stream, he called back.

(Sean's talking is in this Alexis's talking is in this)
"I couldn't find anything," he said calmly. "But I could ask Corpse if he's seen anything."
"No, I'll ask him. It's my fault anyway."
"Okay, well let me know what he says. I need to start my stream now." She hung up the phone and pulled up Aaron's number. She hesitated before clicking call. 

It rang six times before he finally picked up.
(Aaron's talking is in this Alexis's talking is in this)
"Hey, are you streaming?"
"Not yet. I'm waiting for everyone to get on Discord so I can start. Why? Is something wrong?" Her leg started bouncing.
"What? No! Nothing's wrong!" She sighed. "I don't want you to hate me."
"I could never hate you, baby girl. What's wrong?"
"Someone leaked a photo of me..." Aaron didn't say anything for a moment.
"On Twitter?" He asked finally.
"Yeah... But you're not in it! It's just me." She heard him sigh. Aaron pulled up Twitter, still on call with her and searched for her name. He found a picture of her at the Zoo. He wasn't in the photo. "I... I'm worried that someone got a photo of you."
"Oh. Well, I think if someone got a photo of me, they would have already posted it and I would've gotten tagged. Let me go through my mentions, and I'll let you know." Of course, Aaron was downplaying how nervous he was, but he didn't want her to be more worried than she already was. He quickly went through his mentions and saw nothing about a face reveal. He went to see what was trending and saw nothing. He went back to the call. "There's nothing. But if it happens, we'll deal with it when it comes. Okay?"
"O...Okay." Alexis had been bouncing her leg and picking at her nails while he was searched through his phone.
"Are you okay?"
"I... You're seriously not mad at me?"
"No..? Why would I be mad at you? Nothing happened. Unless you're holding something back from me. Are you?"
"I'm not hiding anything from you... I just thought you'd be mad at me because... Well, I don't know." He laughed and it vibrated in her ears. "Aaron?" She said after they were both quiet for a minute. "Should I say it's me in the photo? Or should I lie?"
"It's your choice, baby."
"You're not helping."
"I'm not trying to be helpful." She laughed and he smiled. She heard a ding through the phone. "Sean just messaged me, he gave me the Among Us code. Are you still going to stream?"
"Yeah, I've already got it pulled up so why not. I'll have more time to think about what I want to say."

They hung up and she returned her attention back to the screen. She got everything she needed set up before going to Twitter.

Going live in a few minutes! We've got a great lobby for you today! I don't know how long I'll stream tonight, but come and join. Also, check out my YouTube channel King Alexis for the videos of my previous streams. Each new VOD should be up less than a day after the stream happens. Love y'all!
Comments: 158.2K Retweets: 204.8K Likes: 437.2K

User1: I'm so grateful I haven't missed a stream yet

User2: Have you seen the picture yet?
User6 replying to User2: She doesn't have to talk about it if she doesn't want to.
User4 replying to User6: If she doesn't talk about it then we know it's her

User3: Not to brag, but I breathe the same air as her
User4 replying to User6: dont die breathing her toxicness
User1 replying to User4: that makes absolutely no sense
User7 replying to User4: You need to get better insults dude

User4: you know no one likes you right
User7 replying to User4: you know youre stupid right
User4 replying to User7: stfu i wasnt talking to you
User7 replying to User4: do you really think she's going to see your comment? there's like over 100k
💖 by OasisbornAlex

Jacksepticeye: this is going to be an amazing stream! So glad we've become closer friends
OasisbornAlex replying to Jacksepticeye: Me too! Even though you constantly get on my nerves
Jacksepticeye replying to OasisbornAlex: you love me
OasisbornAlex: ya ya, whatever

Corpse_Husband: 🖤
OasisbornAlex replying to Corpse_Husband: 🥺🥀
User10 replying to Corpse_Husband: they're so in love
User7 replying to User10: how about you shut the fuck up? leave them alone. it doesn't matter if theyre dating or not.
OasisbornAlex replying to User7: thx darling❤
OasisbornAlex followed User7

CrankGameplays: Glad I get to play with you again!
OasisbornAlex replying to CrankGameplays: Me too! You're so much fun to stream with!

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