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A/N: Hello again! This mmmight b a bit longer than usual. Not to brag but I may hav outdid myself XD Sirius-ly tho (sry had to), hope you like this...development hehehehe :P Thx for all the reads, comments, and votes! MUCH LOVE!

I lay awake all night, thinking about Severus. Was he really looking at me during class? I mean maybe he just happened to look in my direction just before Malfoy dropped the vile. Seems like that could be a coincidence...but what about asking if I was alright? He doesn't ask anyone if they're alright...and putting his hand on my shoulder...I bite my lower lip picturing that. I can almost feel his hand again. He doesn't openly show affection in any manor, yet it seemed as though he wanted to. Could he- NO! No. There is no way he likes me as anything more than a friend. Absolutely not.

Why did he act like that though? Giving Malfoy detention? Taking away house points from Slytherin? Was he actually trying to help me? I wish I knew what he was thinking.

Perhaps he just really values our friendship. I certainly wouldn't want to ruin it. Which is why I'm going to put this all behind me and go to sleep. What if he did like me in that way? We'd have to hide it...wouldn't be fun. Oh Merlin go to sleep!

I manage to sleep for a couple hours before Hermione yells from the bottom of the stairs, "(Y/n)! Come on you're going to be late! Get up!" I sluggishly sit up and let my brain catch up. Once I remember where I am, I get out of bed and start getting dressed.

"Blimey. We thought Fred and George must of slipped you a Sleeping Draught." Ron jokes as I get to the common room. Still feeling tired, I lazily attempt a fake laugh. "Come on, let's get to class." Hermione ushers us out.

In the corridor, Hermione elbows me, "So? How's Professor Snape?" She whispers, "Severus is just fine." I grin. She gasps, "You're on a first name bases? That's amazing!" I then frown as I recall the reason I didn't sleep well, "It is, but...I think I have a problem. I-" I quickly look back at Ron conversing with Harry a few feet behind us, making sure they won't be listening in, "You can't repeat this to anyone ok?" Hermione nods concerningly, "I think I might have a crush on him. Severus. Our teacher! I know it's wrong but...I think about him and I can't help but smile. What do I do?"

Hermione, being a stickler for the rules, seems torn between telling me off or encouraging me. She finally speaks, "I think you should do what you think is best. If you think you should tell him, do that. If you think you should try and forget about the way you feel, then do that. I am not the one to make that call. Only you can. I'll support whatever you choose."

"Thanks Hermione. I'll have to think this over." I reply, and she walks backward toward Harry and Ron, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Once again throughout my classes today, I only thought about Severus. But not like before. I thought about his hand on me again, I thought about telling him how I felt. I even thought, for a moment, about kissing him. I could almost feel his hair brush my cheek. I want to tell him...but what if it ruins what we already have?

As the day gets to its final hours, I reluctantly head to the dungeons. I decided I'll try and talk to him after class. Ask him about yesterday.

Today's class was simply finishing up our potions from yesterday. So of course I had to be with him again. As I sit down, Malfoy clears his throat, "(Y/l/n), I-I want um..." He seems different. "What Malfoy?" I say, slightly agitated. "I just want to...apologize." He murmurs, looking away. I look surprised. "I'm sorry. For yesterday. I should've known better than to pick on Snape's...friend." I simply can't form words. "He talked with me after class, mainly about you. He cares for you (Y/l/n). He really does. I know I make jokes about it but, well I don't mean it. He's always happier when you're around. I'd never want to jeopardize that."

I don't know what to say. Is this really Draco Malfoy? "Wow um...t-thank you, Malfoy." Just as another Slytherin walks by our desk, Malfoy's face scrunches up, "What are you waiting for mudblood? Get the rest of the ingredients!" He darts his eyes around, then winks. Got to let him keep his Slytherin pride I suppose. Guess it's safe to say he won't be as big of an issue anymore.

Class goes on, and while I don't know how long, I soon find I'd been staring at Professor Snape. He seems to notice me as he glances up at the class. We make eye contact. Neither of us wants to look away. It's as if we're seeing each other for the first time again. Malfoy then coughs next to me, bringing me back to my senses.

"Malfoy." I want to know more about him and Snape's conversation. "Hm?" He utters. "Did he happen to mention if he...uh...well he saw what happened yesterday and...did he say if he was..." Malfoy huffed, "He kept looking at you during class, yes." I just smiled shyly and gave him the last of the ingredients.

Pretty soon, the class ended, and everyone gathered their things and made for the door. Everyone but me. As Malfoy got up to leave, he noticed I was staying and mouthed "Good Luck."

Once everyone was gone, I got up and went to Severus' desk, "Hello Severus." He leered at me, "(Y/n)."

"Can we talk?" I ask, tapping my fingers on his desk nervously. "I was going to ask you the same thing." He said, also quite nervously, but still very Severus.

"Malfoy told me about...your conversation. Is it true you...kept looking at me?" My face felt so hot when I said that. Severus actively tries to look at anything but me, "I...couldn't help it. You're just so..." He stops himself and clears his throat, fumbling around trying to find something to busy himself, "No, nevermind. I can't-" I walk closer and grab his hand, rubbing my thumb across it, as he freezes, "I'm so what?" I look up directly into his eyes, which were widened.

Severus kneels down, not looking away, squeezing my hand. His face softens almost beyond recognition, and as he places his other hand gently on my cheek, a single tear I didn't know I was holding back falls down my face.

"You're so beautiful."

Unlikely (Severus Snape x Student Reader)Where stories live. Discover now