The Darkness That Finds Me

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A/N: 🎶Sry this is so short, im an evil arsehole🎶XP

Before my mind had the time to fully process what was said, my body was already bashing through the door. Everyone stops and turns to me, Umbridge's wand still aimed at Severus.

Filch immediately charges towards me, wanting to grab me, but he doesn't get the chance. I quickly pull out my wand, and say the Body-Bind Curse, "Petrificus Totalus!" Filch's arms and legs lock into place, and he falls flat on the ground.

"Expelliarmus!" Umbridge knocks my wand away before I can react. "No!" I hear Severus say, before Umbridge recoils her wand back at him.

"Wait! Please! You can't erase his memories! Even if you knew how to do a proper Memory Charm, it's too risky to use on him. His memories are valuable." I try to convince her. She remains silent and angry, keeping her gaze and wand pinned to Severus, "Think about it! He has irreplaceable potions skills, he's an incredible wizard and teacher. If you end up erasing a vital memory, we could lose him. Hogwarts could lose him."

Reluctantly, Umbridge turns to me, wand glued to Severus, "Well, I have to punish you two somehow. If I can't erase his memories...I'll have to erase yours." She says menacingly, with a strange tee-hee.

She bobs her head in the direction of Severus, telling me to go stand next to him. That way she has a clear view of us both, and can attack either with ease. "No, (Y/n). What are you doing?" Severus tries to reach for my hand, but Umbridge stops him, "What I have to." I reply, trying to stay calm.

As she points her wand at me, suddenly it's like everything's in slow motion. I can feel my heart pound against my chest, my breathing gets heavy, and as I try to keep calm and collected, all I want is to fall to the ground and burst into tears.

I turn to Severus, who's almost crying as well. "(Y/n)...please don't..." I reach my hand out behind me, urging him to hold it, but he can't. "Severus, I...I lo-" "OBLIVIATE!" Umbridge screams, and I drop my arm.

My near crying face slowly becomes a blank expression, and last thing I remember, is hearing a man yell, "Lily!"

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