Forget Me Never

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A/N: Thank u to all who added this story to your reading lists! THANK U THANK U! I am beyond grateful this story is doing so well! <3 That being said, this chapter may b a bit bluh bc i was trying to add a bit of comedy into this...not sure I did it too well XD It'll b back to normal (well "normal") in the next one. Hope its not too bad XD

Last note, any Brits reading this? I am American and just want to know if I'm using British slang and stuff correctly and if it sounds good. I'm not like stupid about it am I? Am I offending u at all? I really hope not DX Please comment what u think is good and wat u think i may b doing wrong. MUCH LOVE!!

Neville's just...standing there. Looking down, trying to avoid eye contact with everyone in the room. Everyone else, looks awkward. No one knows what to do or say at this moment. The room is quiet. The air is still.

All eyes dart around, begging each other to break the silence. A knock on the door breaks it for us. Still without so much as a breath filling the room, Dumbledore walks to the door and opens it.

"Ah. Come in." Dumbledore steps aside, allowing whoever it is to enter. The four Gryffindors have a better view, and sees who it is before me. They gasp. "What are you doing here?" The shorter boy with glasses says, looking unamused.

Snape sees the person as well. He looks surprised but, doesn't say anything.

As this person comes into my view, I make note that I probably wouldn't remember them either, but hope something about them stirs something. Who I see is a tall, platinum blonde Slytherin boy.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" The ginger utters angrily through his teeth. Malfoy stays quiet, and turns to me. As I look at his face, something clicks, "Malfoy...D-Draco Malfoy?" He's stunned. "Yes, Draco Malfoy. I remember, y-you said something to me. Something...unexpected." I look down, putting a hand on my head, while Malfoy seems to be sweating, "I...I can't think of what it was or anything though. Merlin I hate this." Malfoy takes a deep breath, relieved.

"Mister Malfoy, did you need something?" Madam Pomfrey asks. Malfoy, looking kind of sheepish, looks around at everyone here, and places a hand on the back of his neck nervously, "I was just...uh..." He sighs, "I wanted to check on her, ok? Happy now?" The ginger boy's expression softened, and Snape seemed relaxed.

"I-I heard something happened to her and I thought, since I talked to her the other day maybe...I Somehow? I-I don't know I'm mostly doing this for Snape because she's his friend." Malfoy sounds nice to me. Why does everyone look so shocked? "Mostly?" The ginger snickered, followed by the shorter boy and Hermione. "Shut it Weasley!"

"Weasley?" I say curiously. "Yeah. I'm Ron. Ron Weasley. Do you remember something?" Ron urges. "No. Nothing. I'm sorry." I feel bad. "Oh well, I'm sure we can fix this. This is Harry by the way." He points to the shorter boy with glasses. "Harry Potter." Harry nods.

"Ok now that I officially know all your names again, can we get back to what we're going to do to fix me?" I say, frustrated. "Yeah." Draco sits next to me on the bed, "What were you all planning?"

"Draco..." I whisper, afraid. He heard me. "Oh. Just call me Malfoy." I nod, but frown. "What is it?" Malfoy asks.

Suddenly, everyone collectively realizes one person in this room hasn't spoken in quite some time. "Neville?" I stare behind Hermione, Harry and Ron. Sitting on one of the beds, Neville has his arms wrapped around his legs, holding them up so to hide his face in them.

He lifts his head, his face is wet. "Sorry. I was just thinking of...nevermind." He says, wiping is tears. "Are we doing this?"

"She could go mad." Pomfrey says. "But it's the only way." Snape replies. "I want-" I try to speak up but the three 'adults' the room start bickering like little kids. The room fills with murmurs.

Malfoy notices me trying to say something, so he helps, "Oi! You lot!" The room goes quiet and everyone looks at me and Malfoy. He nods at me. "Don't I get a say in this?" I ask daringly.

Snape comes up to me, "Of course, Miss (Y/l/n), but I want you to consider-" "I'll do it." I interrupt.

"(Y/n)..." Hermione starts, "You should think about it a bit longer." "No!" I scream, "I want-I need to do this. I would rather go mad trying to remember my life, than live as if it never happened."

Everyone stares at me, beyond concerned, perhaps even terrified. Malfoy's confused. "Wait, what's going on? What is it you'll do? Why would you go mad? Ay mudblood I'm talking to you!"

No one pays any attention to him. "Please. Help me. Do it." I say confidently. Everyone looks at each other, and silently agrees. "We will find someone to cast the Cruciatus Curse." Dumbledore assures.

"What!?" Malfoy yells.

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