Chapter Eleven: The Battle

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Chapter Eleven: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊.
word count; 2.4k

note: a shorter chapter than usual this time, seeing as the previous one was ten-thousand years long.

Each rotation passed by flying and were filled with training and training, until finally came the day you decided was going to be the attack on the raiders. You wouldn't admit it but your nerves were getting the best of you, each night you found yourself restless and unable to sleep. But Din was always there for you, and whenever he found you weren't sleeping he'd crawl in next to you with your permission. At least it offered some consolation, feeling someone beside you who cared for you and let you know everything was going to be alright.

You hoped the villagers didn't notice your growing anxiety — if they saw that you, a highly-experienced bounty hunter and trained in battle for cycles, was nervous, they would feel even more uneasy than they already did. So you knew you had to stay calm, for yourself and for the villagers. It was becoming increasingly difficult to hide your uneasiness, and all you could do was hope to get it all over with already so you could finally relax.

The sun now set under the horizon while the moon appeared, and it was time for Din and Cara to head out into the woods and towards the raiders' base. At first, you suggested to come along with them but Din wanted you to stay with the villagers and get them ready for battle. Whether there was some truth in that or if he just wanted to keep you in the safety of the village, you weren't entirely certain. And as much as you wanted to go with Din, you knew he had reason. It was best for you to stay behind with the villagers, keep them steady and prepared for the inevitable fight that was to come.

Gazing over at the villagers in the distance, you watched as they settled themselves up behind the handmade barriers. Everything seemed to be going well, you noted. Hopefully it would continue like that, but you were in doubt. Though the villagers were trained for quite some time, they still weren't fully-trained and the three of you only managed to teach them the basics to shooting, hand-to-hand combat, and spear-fighting. It was going to be a grueling attack for sure.

Footsteps from behind you filled your ears, and it wasn't long before you spotted Din in your peripheral vision beside you. His visor trailed among the many villagers who scurried around, carrying weapons, placing them down, getting into their assigned spots. "Cara and I are leaving now," Din stated, his gaze moving to you instead.

Your eyes flickered to meet with the black T-visorn of his helm, and Din could easily note the nervousness in your expression. Sometimes you wished you wore a helmet, like he did. That way you could hide any emotions you were feeling. You managed a small smile, "Be careful."

He tilted his helmet at you, "Are you worried about me?"

You could practically hear the smirk on his lips.

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