Chapter Fifty-Three: The Denial

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Chapter Fifty-Three: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖆𝖑.

word count; 3.8k

Ossus was where it was known that Luke Skywalker was introducing his school. You landed the N-1 on the system yourself—and as you did, you took in the mountains along with the greenery that spread across the land worldwide. 

As soon as you and Din hopped out of the starfighter, you were met with a familiar astromech. The both of you immediately greeted the droid as you gave him a pat on the head, earning a series of beeps and boops in return. R2-D2 was a droid you would never grow tired of seeing. He always managed to brighten your day, even now.

"We're looking for Skywalker," Din declared.

You nodded once. "We came to see Grogu."

R2 turned around, beckoning you two to follow him. The astromech guided you through a forest comprised of bamboo trees that towered over you, providing shade and coolness from the sun. It was rather relaxing, actually. All that was audible to your ears were the quiet footsteps from you and Din along with the gentle rustling of leaves with the wind. Already, you could tell this was a decent place to start a school.  With all the nature and tranquility, it would be easy for future students to focus on their meditation and their training. You were certain Grogu had already learned plenty from Skywalker at this point.

"What is that?" you asked when something in the distance caught your eye. At first, you were perplexed when a rock was slowly lifting up—though it took you a second to realize that there were ant droids working nearby. A pair of them emerged as they carried the stone around.

"Looks like they're building something," Din replied. "I wonder what."

R2 called for you guys to catch up with him. You both took your attentions away from the workers, and instead trailed closely behind the astromech. Although along the pathway, several more ant droids appeared. Soon enough, you came upon the source of these ants. They seemed to be constructing a structure that consisted of boulders, which explained why they were collecting so many rocks from the forest. The building was clearly not complete as of yet. However, you could tell this might be where the school would take place. These droids worked diligently together. None of them strayed from their assignments as they behaved as realistically as ants. It was not until R2 interacted with one of them did it deviate and focus on something else.

As amazing as this might be, you still weren't completely sure why R2 had brought you here. There didn't seem to be any life-forms in sight.

"Is this where they are?" Din asked... right before the astromech shut down in his spot.

"R2?" you called. No answer.

"Hey. Droid," Din waved a gloved hand in front of him, attempting to wake him up. "Don't shut off. Wake up."

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