Enemy of My Enemy

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The turtles and Emma were on a rooftop watching the TCRI building. "Nothing happening at TCRI yet," Donnie says as he looks through his hand-held telescope.

"This game is awesome. The combat is so realistic," Mikey says happily. He was playing a video game on his T-Phone. Raph walks over to him slightly aggravated with his little brother. "You want me to make it more realistic?" he asks angrily.

"Guys, stop messing around," Leo scowls them both

"According to the Kraang storage device that I decrypted, some kind of scouting ship is coming through the Kraang portal tonight," Donnie explains.

Emma looks far out into the distance looking at the building, her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest she was so scared.

The isolation

The pricks of the needles

The experiments

Emma turns around holding Leo's leg hiding her face in his knee, the turtle looked down at her concern placing a warm hand on top of her head "Emma? What's the matter?"

"I'm scared w-what if the Kraang find me a-and take me back? I don't wanna go back Leo!" Emma sniffs with tears forming in her eyes, Leo knees down in front of her wiping her tears away "Hey hey it's okay I'm not gonna let them get you we aren't gonna let them get you." Leo looks into her eyes gesturing to the others "Until we get them we're gonna stay on high alert."

"Yeah, you never know what could sneak up on you,"

They all turn to see Karai standing on the edge with a smirk, Leo pulls Emma behind him looking at Karai before letting out a short, sarcastic laugh. "Cute, Karai. But I'm not in the mood."

Karai drew her tantō, and charged. Leo pushed Emma back, and drew his katanas, blocking Karai's swing, and stepping away from his siblings.

"We don't have time for this," Leo said impatiently. "Guys!"

Instantly Raph, Mikey and Donnie charged the Foot kunoichi.


Karai just blocked Donnie's staff, before jumping on top of his shell, and jumping aside as Mikey and Raph both swung at her.

"Booyakasha?" Karai echoed. She laughed patronizingly. "What does that even mean?"

"I dunno," Mikey admitted. "But it's fun to yell." He threw his kusarigama chain, which Karai knocked aside with her tantō, and allowed it to wrap around her body. She stepped down hard on the chain, pulling Mikey forward, and kicking him aside.

"Hey leave him alone!" Emma shouts in outrage stamping her foot with a pout in anger making Karai turn around cocking an eyebrow at her the first time seeing the girl "And who's this little pipsqueak?"

"I'm Emma so leave my brothers alone before I kick yo butt!" Emma points at her in a cute threatening manner, Karai smirks walking up to the little girl cracking her knuckles loud making the little girl shriek in fear. Luckily Leo intervened darting forward, bringing down both katanas, which were blocked by Karai. "You really know how to make a girl feel welcome," Karai said wryly, still flashing that smug smirk.

She forced both katanas aside, and Leo backed away, letting out a small sound of frustration. "I heard the scrawny one mention the Kraang," Karai continued, pointing her tantō at Donnie. "What's going on?"

"None of your business," Leo retorted, stepping forward again.

"And I'm not scrawny!" said Donnie. "I'm svelte!"

Leo exchanged a few more swings with Karai before she jumped aside, both Mikey and Donnie swinging their weapons at her. Raph swung his sai at her, and she dodged a few times, before locking her tantō in one of his sai, and pushing him back.

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