Bonding Chapter: Cooking Diaster

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Emma holds a few ingredients in her hands waddling slowly in the kitchen trying not to spill them onto the floor holding them up to Mikey who puts on a apron "Mikey I got all the ingredients you asked for!"

"Thanks biscuit," Mikey smiles grabbing the ingredients from her placing them on the counter before picking her up placing her on the counter grabbing another apron "Why do you have a big napkin Mikey?" Emma puts a finger on her chin confused

Mikey chuckles to himself holding the apron putting it around her waist tying it with a bow at the end "Haha it's not a napkin silly it's called apron ya use it when you cook or bake some the muck doesn't get all over your cute shirt and squishy belly." He smiles slyly lightly ticking her tummy making Emma giggle trying to shoo his hand away.

"I got the oven on and the pans set" Mikey smiles holding a wooden spoon it the air "NOW LET COOK!"

"Yay!!" Emma raises her hands in the air cheering with him excited.

Mikey opens the cook book looking at the recipe ""So it says to put two cups of flour and one cup of sugar into the bowl with two eggs." Emma nods grabbing two eggs cracking them into the bowl.

"Hey you ever had a spoon full of sugar?" Mikey wiggles his 'eyebrows' sticking a spoon in Emma's face. She shakes her head cocking an eyebrow, Mikey smiles bouncing his shoulders in a persuasive voice "Ya wanna try some?"

Emma smiles brightly pumping her fists nodding her  head opening her mouth wide as Mikey shoved  the spoon in Emma's mouth.

"Tastes good right?" Mikey said happily.

"Mmhm!" Emma nods with her cheeks puffed out.

"Sweet okay let see what else we need." Mikey smiles giving her a thumbs up turning his back to look in the fridge not noticing Emma's right eye gets big and swirling a bit as she starts shaking. "Okay it said to add a stick of butter-" he turns around to see Emma shaking uncontrollably with glowing green eyes shaking with a big excited smile before she jumps off the counter running and bouncing around the kitchen making Mikey scramble to catch her as she laughs and squeals hysterically and loudly going through her sugar rush


"And what did we learn today Michelangelo?" Donnie stands in front of his little brother with his arms crossed frowning sternly tapping his foot standing in the kitchen that was completely wrecked with eggs splattered on the walls, flour and milk that was mixed all over the floor and the ceiling.

Mikey stands in front of him with his hands behind his back looking down in shame twirling his foot in a small little circle.

"Don't give Emma sugar."


"Because she'll have a sugar rush and destroy the kitchen."

"Exactly." Donnie nods knowingly grabbing Emma in his arms starting to walking out of the kitchen with her "Come on Em let's leave Mikey to clean up."

"Aww what I gotta clean this up by myself!" Mikey throws his head back loudly whining with a pouty look on his face gesturing to the kitchen.

"Well would you rather start cleaning the kitchen or stand there whining until Master Splinter finds out?"

Mikey gulps nervously thinking about the rat masters rage making him quickly start clean up the kitchen in a panic.

Donnie nods with a smirk walking out with Emma looking down at Emma in her arms "And what have you learned'

"Never cook with Mikey."

"Good Girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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