Bonding Chapter: Boo Boo's

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Mikey and Emma run around the living room of the lair laughing their heads off as Mikey runs in front of Emma who's chasing him "Hahaha you're gonna have to run faster than if ya wanna catch me squirt!" He laughs crossing his eyes blowing a raspberry at her jumping over a skateboard in the middle of the floor.

"Hehe I'm gonna get you!" Emma giggles running quickly not noticing skateboard she steps on the top of it making it quickly move out of the way as Emma scrambles falling flat on her face onto the ground

Mikey turns around seeing Emma had fallen stopping in his tracks "Whoa! You okay sis?"

Emma picks her head up showing a red mark on her forehead poking her bottom lip out whimpering with big crocodile tears welling up in her eyes before letting out a loud hysterical cry. Leo and Raph come into the room, Leo picks Emma off the ground holding her to his chest rubbing her back before looking at his little brother concern "Hey hey what's matter kiddo? Mikey what happened?"

"I don't know we were just running around playing tag and I think she tripped on this skateboard." Mikey holds up the skateboard off the ground, Raph frowns annoyed at him giving Mikey a smack to the back of the head "Nice going idiot! She could have broken a bone or something!"

Donnie pokes his head out of the lab "Hey guys what's all the yelling about?- Aww Emmy wants the matter?" His face softens seeing Emma crying walking up to her

"I got a boo boo." Emma sniffs with tears rolling down her face wiping one of her eyes with her sleeve "Well we can't have that come on let's go take care of that." Donnie grabs Emma from Leo carrying her to the lab inside.

"Mikey seriously you have to learn to be more careful." Leo crosses his arms scolding him

"I said I was sorry!" Mikey frowns a bit

"You just better hope she didn't scratch herself and get bacteria in a cut." Raph glares at him

"Bacteria?" Mikey looks concern.

"Yeah cause she would a high chance of getting an infection." Leo shakes his head with his arms crossed


"Yeah if so she'll have to get her foot amputated."



"Wait what's amputated mean?" Mikey looks at Leo confused, Leo leans in whispering in his ear.


Just then Emma let's out a blood curdling scream "Oh my god I broke my baby sister!!!" Mikey cries out bolting towards the lab swinging the door open "D you can have my arm, my legs, and my shell just don't amputate my baby sister's leg!!" Mikey gets on his knees dramatically throwing his head back

"Uhhhh Mikey.. what are you talking about?" Donnie raises an invisible eyebrow looking at his younger brother confused sitting on stool with Emma on top of a table with her pant leg rolled up with a cotton ball in one hand and rubbing alcohol in the other "She's not gonna get her leg amputated it's just a little scratch."

"B-But I heard you scream." Mikey looks at Emma who blushes a bit on her cheeks embarrassed looking down at the floor "The rubbing alcohol really hurt."

"B-But." Mikey looks dumbfounded before hearing Leo and Raph burst of laughing hysterically leaning onto each other, Mikey frowns at them annoyed "Not cool guys!!"

Donnie puts a green band aid on Emma's knee giving it a kiss before helping her back onto the ground "Okay you're good to go kiddo just trying to be careful next time." He notices the skateboard picking it up with a smile "Hey here's my skateboard!"

Leo and Raph immediately stopped laughing and glare at Donnie with mad looks on their faces "Wait it was your skateboard?"

"Yeah I was looking for it everywhere-" Donnie smiles rubbing the back of his head before getting wide eyed seeing Raph and Leo in front of him angrily growling at him, he chuckles sheepishly backing away slowly with his hands out in front of him "N-Now guys i-it was an accident l-lets talk about this!" He quickly bolts of the room as Leo and Raph chase him

"Is Donnie gonna be okay?" Emma looks at Mikey concern

"Oh yeah we're just gonna need to get him more band aids."

Donnie let's out a scared girlish scream

"And an ambulance."

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