Miles | Kita Shinsuke Pt. 2

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Aran drove us out of the city and turned onto a dirt path.

We pulled up to small ranch.

He lead us to the front door and knocked.

"Hey, ka-san." He said greeting his mother. "She's out with Kiseki." The woman said.

Aran lead us around to barn area.

"Welcome to the place I grew up." He opened th barn doors. "It smells here." His girlfriend said. "Well...there are horse so...yeah...its gonna." He sighed.

She isnt his soulmate and he frustrated with her attitude right now.

"I remember, we used to snuggle your moms amazing food up in the loft." I said walking in. "This always felt like a second home." I said walking over to a stable.

He saddled 2 horses.

"Shin, you remember how to ride?" He asked. "Duh." I laughed and mounted the horse.

He mounted his after helping Mika onto the back.

We rode out into the pastures. Its acres and acres of green grass and little trees. We've discovered every square footage of it.


I stopped at a rock and tree. My rock and tree.

"Kiseki." I said. She came layed down setting her head on my lap and snorting.

I looked at my wrists and the miles kept decreasing.

I heard hooves and look3 into the distance. A familiar brown and white horse were galloping my direction.

I got up careful of my horse and got on the rock. My skirt blowing in the winds.

I noticed Kita-sans arm went up.

He told me a log time ago...when hes running after his soulmate and knows who it is...he'll...raise his arm.

I shed a single tear.

Then came to a stop.

He handed my brother the reins on the white horse and ran to me.

I ran to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his went around my waist. He picked me up spinning me around.

"Hey." I laughed when he put me down. "Shut up and kiss my already." I smiled.

We shared a kiss and I smiled so big.

"Kita-san." I started. "Hey...first names now." He said. "Shinsuke." I repeat. "Yes, Y/N?" He asks holding me. "I love you." I say quietly. "I love you too." He said.



Sitting in the crowd watching my girlfriend graduate highschool.

Her Hyogo accent is back. She still rides horses.

At the party after I went to find her.

I found her and slid my arms around her.

"Hey." She smiles. "Hey." I reply. Shes like 2 inches shorter than me.

There was music and it was dark the punch was sketchy. I didnt trust it.

"Baby...can we go?" She asks after a bit. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I know that." She said. "Oh of course." I said.

I pulled her onto my back and navigated our way out.

We ended up having to walk home.

"Here." I said setting her down. "Thanks." She said softly.

"So...thought of a career yet?" I ask. "Horse doctor." She said. "I should've known." I laughed. She laughed.

"I love you Shi-Shi." She said using my nickname. "I love you too, lite fox." I said.

I put my arm around her as we walked home.


We managed to get an apartment for the two of us...bad news...we live next door to Suna and the

Also...Y/N's 6 months pregnant and she has mood swings left and right.

Right now I was spooning her while massaging her baby bump.

Next door we could hear loud arguing and yelling.

I heard a low growl.

"Babe, dont get upset, it's not good for the baby." I whispered. "Its every night though Shin." She whined. "I know...but its 2 am try to get some sleep." I said and kissed the back of her neck.

She got up and put on a hoodie. With her being so small it almost looks like shes 2 months...

I got up and followed her to make sure she didnt kill anyone.

She knocked on the next door apartment and a sleepy Suna opened up.

"There in the kitchen." He yawned.

Y/N pushed passed him

He looked at me.

"I'm so fucking tired." He yawned. "Try have a pregnant wife." I yawned back. "Big oof." He laughed and leaned on the door.

So the apartment fell silent.

Y/N came back to me. "Come on babe, I need horseradish and onions." She said walking to our apartment.

3 months later*


I was out with Suna tlaing a walk to get some air.

"Have you thought of names?" He asked. "We decided on Rumi for a girl and...Yuko for a boy." I said. "Your gonna be a great mother." He said and side hugged me.

We made it to the car and I leaned on it in pain.

"Y/N, you ok?" He asked. "Get me to the hospital..." I said. "Oh boy." He said helping me in the car.

He called Shinsuke and put hime on speaker phone.

" everything ok?" He asked. I screamed in pain. "Its delivery day." Suna said getting along down the road. "I'll meet you at the hospital." He said.

He was home so he could get the hospital bag.

Hours later*


After being in the delivery room...we had a healthy little girl.

After her check up they moved Y/N to a recovery room. But didnt allow visitors.

"I'll be right back." I said holding the baby. I leaned over and kissed her forehead and she smiled.

I went out into the hall where the twins, Aran, Suna, and my parents were.

"Say hello to Rumu everyone." I whispered to get their attention.

"Did everything go ok?" Aran asked. "Shes fine...just tired." I said. "Excuse me, the new mother is allowed visitors." The nurse chimed in.

Aran was the first in.

I followed behind.

"Atsumu...if you drop my child I will drop kick you." Was all I heard from Y/N. It made me laugh.

"Kita-kun...are you crying?" Osamu asked.

I felt my face. "What no...its...liquid pride." I said.

I climbed up on the bed with Y/N and pit my arm around her.

"You ready to do this parent thing?" She looked up at me. "Definitely not." I laughed. "But mine...and I would never let her grow up without a dad." I said. She smiled.

"Both of you are my responsibility."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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