C28: Relationship

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The event starts as I and SungHyun watched, I sat on the couch while he layed himself on the bed. They began announcing the boys' group name, they entered bowing as they passed by the other idols

They stood in front beside blackpink and other top idols, and I don't know if it was just me or what..

All throughout the time, they looks uneasy and worried for something. Jisoo who was beside Jin secretly whispered something to him but I caught it even if they are not the one who the camera was focusing

Jin simply smiled stepping closer to her as I froze on what I saw next, he secretly placed his hand on his back but slide down to his side..

Grabbing Jisoo's hand

Afterwards he saw the camera was about to go on their direction, he immediately let go her hand chuckling as he looked down

Somehow..somehow I wish what I saw wasn't true, that it was just my hallucinating

It breaks my heart, it really do

Not just because they are my idols, in fact, I've already redied myself if the time comes where they reveal about their relationship status

But now..I realized I'm still not ready and that it still affects me. It made me feel jealous and sad at the same time,


I called out softly as he walked to where I was getting up from the bed

SungHyun:You called me?

He asked sitting beside me as I looked down sniffing

SungHyun:Y/n..you're crying again?

He scooted closer as he reached for my back rubbing it gently

SungHyun:What's happening to you lately? You've been crying time to time and looks occupied by so many thoughts, it's also affecting your physical and mental health. I can see that by just one look on you, now tell me...what's wrong?

He sighed

SungHyun:Don't worry you can trust me..I.....I can be a good friend if you may ask

He smiled at me as I looked at him. I still have questions for him, but for now..I just want to know something. I want to be the first to know what's the truth behind the news and I'm sure he knows something about it. I know he knows lots of things about bangtan, just the way they talk to each other earlier

Y/N:Can I ask you about something first?

SungHyun:Sure what is it?

He asked as I glanced at the TV then back to him..

Y/N:Their relationship status..each of them, could you tell me what? I know you knew something about it

I eyed him pleading for an answer as he tensed up, gulping as he answered

SungHyun:I..I'm sorry Y/n-ah but I'm not in a position to tell you some things that  I'm sure if I do...I might loose their trust again

He stated scratching the back of his neck as I looked at him confused

Y/N:Again? What did you do that you lost their trust? I mean..it must be hard to gain it again

SungHyun:Well..It's just a pretty rough challenge in my life's chapter, obeying everything my brother told me. I've even made myself a faker and murderer you can say,

He stated as I gasped

Y/N:You killed someone?

SungHyun:No but my brother almost did

Y/N:But how come you said to yourself that you're a murder?

SungHyun:As for my help, I helped him with his plans to kill someone but gladly things didn't go as he expected to be where he'll kill the person he wanted to. I ruined it but the result on what I did made me feel like I was no difference than my brother as..

He sighed as he paused looking down before he continued

SungHyun:I just got my friend's life in danger. She survived but I didn't get to hear about her afterwards not until few months passed by, I got the news that........she died

He tried to smile at me but his eyes explains how sad he was

SungHyun:But then..years passed by, I got to encounter her one day. She didn't know how surprised and happy I was...but I'm also confused how was she alive as what I know was she killed herself and died, and the most painful thing is...she can't remember me, she somehow forgotten me

My heart seems to stopped for a sec. I was connecting his words the time when we got encounter on the airport 3 years ago,

Y/N:Your friend that...you thought died in a suicide...w-where is she?



"In front of me right now"

My eyes widen as I stood up

Y/N:You're lying! Stop confusing me! We don't even had a connection for the past few or even several years! I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER HAVING A SINGLE MEMORY WITH YOU!

SungHyun:Y/N...*sniff* please calm down, let me..let me remind you

I backed away as he stood up walking to me with pleading teary eyes. My emotions are taking over with me now and I can't even control it

SungHyun:Y/n..at the studio that's where I first met you and...that's when my mission starts also

Y/N:Studio? Why would I be in a studio? What studio? And mission? What mission?

SungHyun:*Sigh*It'll just confuse you a lot, it's best if your memory comes back


SungHyun:Y/n...fine, sit down first

He sighed motioning for me to sit on the couch. I made my way to my seat as I waited for him to speak up

SungHyun:Studio where...I'm not going to tell you where is that exactly, not until the time comes, and mission...I had a mission my brother told me to do, he wants me to make you a friend of mine just to get information about his targets

He stated before sitting beside me as I shift to him

SungHyun:But Y/n trust me, all throughout the months that we got to know each other...I'm not faking any of it. You've become a special friend to me, the one that I treasure. You're just so kind, pure, and real, and I'm mad at myself for obeying my brother so one day..I got to hear his plan about starting to kill one of his target. At first I didn't told you about it as I only care for no one except you that time but time passed by, you've showed me how much you love them, how much you're happy when you're with them, and I don't want you to lost everything just because of them. I want you to be happy and nothing more I could wish for..

He stopped as I processed every word he was saying

Y/N:W-who's his target? Why do you kept saying them? Who are they that your brother wants to kill? And...love? Happy? With them? Seriously who are they?

Why do everyone kept hiding secrets from me? They only confused me even what they said was only a word. Why can't they just tell me the truth?

"You'll know when the right time comes Y/n..first, you have to ready yourself on what you'll find out"



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