The Kidnapping pt.1

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AN/ In this Nick still gets possessed by Caleb in the last episode but while everyone is together he isn't


The Patterson's, Mercer's and the Peter's were all gathered around Luke, Alex and Reggie's grave's on the anniversary of their deaths. The 3 of them are all buried next to each other.

All families are crying when suddenly Karen(Alex's Mom) starts yelling at Emily that it's all Luke's fault that Alex is dead. Emily yells back it's not his fault, if anything it's all of our faults. If we would have supported Luke he would have never ran away, if you all weren't so judgemental and kicked Alex out just for being gay he would still be here and you all hadn't been fighting so much you might have noticed that Reggie was gone so much he might as well have been living with them too.

Everyone stood there shocked but stayed silent because they knew she was right. Suddenly they heard clapping and turned to see a teen girl with white hair, dressed in all black with tears in her eyes

Anna's Pov

Wow that was so touching but im gonna need yall to come with me. Who are you? Said Max(One of Reggie's older twin brother's). I'm Anna Hart. Ok well Anna do you mind we are kind of in the middle of something private says Mike(The other twin). No i don't mind because like i said you all need to come with me.

Why would we come with you, we don't know you. say's Elizabeth(Reggie's mom). Well you all want to see Luke, Alex and Reggie again don't you? What are you talking about they're dead. Say's Aaron(Reggie's little brother). Well what if i told you they aren't entirely dead. All of them just stare at me in confusion. Well come on if you want to see them cause i don't got all day. I think we should go. Say's Taylor(Alex's sister). They all hesitantly nod in agreement. Ok hold on. I start to shine a bright pink light out of my hands until you can't see and when I stop we're all in a theater room. They all kind of had a rough landing but they were fine.

Woah. Now if you would all sit where your name is listed i will be back with the others in a moment. Okay. They all say at the same time.

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