Chapter 4

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4 || Naked Woman

3rd POV

You felt something wet, the texture tickled you and then the realization hit you. "AHHHHHH" you shouted, you scrambled away from the dog and fell down from the bed. "S-stay away" you stammered. Holding to your pillow with your dear life. The dog didn't listen as it moves closer to you "F-Fuck off" you didn't want to hurt the dog, so you just ran away and you stub your pinky toe. "FUCK" you shouted, "Fuck fuck" you repeated. The dog stared at you confusingly, you rolled your eyes, "Thanks" you replied sarcastically. 

You prepared yourself for your new job, you made sure the dog is far away from you. You put some food that can last for dinner. "For the love pussies, stay put and don't make a mess" you glared at the dog before leaving.

Dog's PoV

I watch as the woman leaves, 'Damn, I didn't even catch her name'. I remembered her face she made a while ago, it was terrific, I laughed even though I'm still on my dog form. 'She's a cutie', the way she ran away from me, it's funny yet cute at the same time. 'my oh my, how would you react if you found out' I imagined and I couldn't stop laughing. 

3rd PoV

You arrived just in time, you stood for a moment catching your breath. "Hey! Y/N" Sasha waved at you enthusiastically. Her positive energy radiants and that causes you to smile. "Hey" you waved back. 

You started your work, it was entertaining, you got to know Sasha's friend. Ymir and Christa being all lovey-dovey,  Mikasa being close with Erehhh, Jean having a crush on Mikasa, Reiner talking to Annie, Armin glancing at Annie, Bertoto having a confusing ass name, Niccolo with Sasha and Connie.

It was fun and all not until karens went to ruin your day. "Where's the manager?!" the most iconic line of a karen. Also, there is a tall, handsome woman that is searching for her girlfriend, I didn't really pay much attention since I'm handling a group of karens complaining about wearing masks. 

After the first day of your work, you bid goodbye to your new friends. It was indeed tiring, you bought some food on the way home. You still fear the dog in your apartment, you need to find a new owner ASAP. 

You slowly opened the door as you took a peek, you didn't see any dog, "Coast is clear" you whispered to yourself. You cautiously entered your apartment, you were about to sit down when a dog came running for you. 

"AHHHH" you screamed, you jumped on the counter and using a spatula as your sword. "LET ME EAT PEACEFULLY" you yelled at the dog, the dog is just sitting there with her tongue sticking out. "Shoo shoo" you brushed the dog away, "Go away or else no food" you sternly said, the dog walked away like nothing happened. 

You went down from the counter and ate cautiously, keeping your eyes peeled at the dog. After you finished your food, you refilled the dog's bowl, you remembered you need to feed her medicine. You bit your lips, rethinking your life decisions, then you heard a knock. You opened your door and saw Hange.

"Hi?" you timidly greeted.

"Hello Y/N" Hange beamed.

"What brings you here?" you asked. 

"I heard some shouting here, so, I decided to pay you a visit" Hange replied, "Also, I care about you" Hange added and that made you blushed.

"Thanks" you bit your lips nervously, "Is everything alrig-" Hange was cut off by a bark, Hange glance at the dog, "Hi there buddy" Hange greeted the dog enthusiastically. 

"What's his or her name?" Hange slowly approached the dog but the dog growled and Hange is weirdly happy about it. "She doesn't have a name" now you realized, you haven't even named the dog, "Sorry about that" you smiled apologetically, "No, no, she's aggressive and I like it" Hange grinned, 'Definitely normal'

"I have a favor to ask you, I mean if you are okay wit-" you stated rambling but Hange held your hands, "Tell me" she looked into your e/c orbs and her eyes flickered to your lips, you blushes furiously. 

Before Hange can lean forward, the dog bark, 'Great way to ruin the moment', you glared at the dog. "Would you help me to feed her medicine?" you asked, Hange nodded. 

You gestured her to enter your apartment, the dog was acting weird, she wasn't like that before. Hange helped you, I mean she did everything by herself since you go near the dog. The dog is oddly aggressive towards Hange and Hange seems to like it. You thanked her and bid her goodbye.

Reader's PoV

The door clicked close, I turned around and saw the dog hanging her head low. I looked at her worriedly, she was just aggressive a while ago, 'Do dogs get period?'. I sighed, "I'm such a bad owner aren't I?" I smiled at her sadly, the dog looked up to you. 

There is something in those eyes, I just couldn't figure it out. You sighed once again, "I'll name you Pieck" the dog, or rather your dog wagged her tails, showing joy, you genuinely smiled at her. You wanted to pat her yet your fears overtake you. "Goodnight Pieck" Pieck barked back, you smiled at her once again and stride over your bed, and drifted to sleep.

I fluttered my eyes open, I yawned and stretched, I smiled remembering my moments with Hange, such a girlfriend material and of course, Pieck. I sat up, stretching causing me to close my eyes as soon as I opened my eyes, I was frozen. 

I'm staring at a NAKED WOMAN, my eyes rounded up as her melons. 

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