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Akiaria - Right now; The Present
Ugh.. It's been HOURS.. "Hydron?" I grumbled, "You still awake? This is exhausting," and I heard a screech of affirmation, and I sighed and scratched her forehead. But then, I heard the screech again.. "HYDRON!" I shouted, "DID YOU HEAR THE FURY'S SCREECH AGAIN?" And then I heard mumbling. "Yes, yes I did Aki, no need to shout!"

"Where did it come from?"

"East of here."

"Great! Then lets go there!" I said, excited to see a Fury for the first time after two years. You see.. Before I had met Hydron.. I had a best friend who was a Night Fury, and I called him Flashback. It's been, like, two years since I witnessed him get shot down by a bola in an island called 'Berk'. We were only acting like we were under the Red Death's control. But then, like, a few weeks after that.. I've heard that.. The Red Death, she.. She'd been defeated, killed, even. When I find who killed the Red Death, I'm probably going to give him - or her - my praise. He, or she, deserves my praise.. They've defeated the Red Death! But, maybe they did it with a team, or something.. So maybe I should, uh, I don't know? Praise the team as well, I guess.

Hydron's screech cut me out of my thoughts, and I mumbled, "What is it? Did you find the Fury?" and she responded, actually quicker than I expected her to, with the following words, but what she said, had shocked me. "I found him. He has a rider on his  back, the Fury's also got a red tail fin, the black one before that was probably burnt away.", and I nodded, patting Hydron's head with thanks. "Well? Shouldn't we like, I don't know.. Go and, well, meet them?"

"Yeah, sure, we can go meet them, totally like they are most likely NOT HOSTILE!"

"Hydron! Stop with the sarcasm, thats supposed to be my job!"

"Fine, fine, I'll stop. And we'll go meet them."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I excitedly thanked Hydron - three times in total - and my azure eyes glowed.. Not literally, though.. With happiness, excitement, and thankfulness. Thankfulness, directed towards Hydron, excitement, directed towards the fact that we will finally meet the Night Fury - oh, and his rider, too.. I guess - and, finally, happiness because, well, basically the reason of my thankfulness and excitement combined, actually.

I pulled down my black hood which was still covering my head, face, eyes, and well.. Basically everything on a viking's head, I suppose. "Hey, Hydron?"

"Yes, Aki?"

"You never really told me what type of griffin you are!"

"Oh, I'm a Stoicheiódis Okeanós Nkrífin (Elemental Ocean Griffin), why did you ask?"

"Uh, Hydron, I just told you why. Quote-unquote, 'You never really told me what type of griffin you are!', aka, you never told me what your specific griffin species.. Actually is."

"Oh, I understand now.. Haha, sorry Aki!"

"I-it's fine, Hy!"

"HEY! I thought I told you two months ago that you shouldn't call me Hy or Hy-hy!"

"I was just kidding, Hydron! I'm sorry! Get back to the task at hand!"

She just sighed and we flew - slowly, actually - towards the duo. The duo, being, the Night Fury and his rider.. I think the rider is a he, so I'll call him a boy, or something, I don't know. We flew towards him, but then, well.. Something unexpected happened, and I was filled with the familiar memories of my past, two years ago..


How To Befriend Your Griffin - A HTTYD FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now