Finals: Part 2: Try not to get sent to God

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This is my initial though process when I see the human equivalent of a one-way ticket to god leaping at me, trying to kick me in the face. 

Charging Full Cowl to a simmering 12%, I duck under the blow, grab her calf, whip her around, and throw her at Kamui Woods, before leaping out an open window, and landing on the grass below, rolling on impact, and running as I hear someone land behind me. 

"YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!" I hear Mirko roar, and I chuckle. 

"WATCH ME!" I reply, and I hear another roar of rage. 

I consider my options at the moment. Obviously, head on assault is suicidal, and I can't run forever. Even my stamina has limits. On the other hand, what Mirko said is very true. Hiding is not going to be an easy task. If I hid, I would be found before the 10 minutes are up, and Mirko is currently trying to rock my shit. Not to mention, I'm not at 100%. Recovery Girl healing me depleted my stamina, and I feel tired.

As I run around, I hear footsteps quickly approaching me. 

"You're not as fast as some of the staff have said, Mr. Midoriya." Kamui Woods says, and I stop, turn around, and charge directly at him. Woods seems shocked, but quickly moves to go to the offensive, the woods from his fingers growing longer, aiming to capture me. 

"LACQUERED CHAIN PRI-" He begins, but he's cut off by me punching through the wood, then landing a vicious side-kick to his ribs, which he barely managed to protect against, but he still slides several feet, as I press him. 

I land three quick blows, staggering him just enough for me to run off again, towards the southern end of the campus, towards USJ. 

"THERE YOU ARE, BRAT!" I hear the shout of Mirko behind me, and I turn around just in time to get a foot to the face, re-beaking my nose. I get slammed into the ground, and Mirko keeps me down a foot to the face. 

"1. 2. 3. Oh, come on, not even gonna fight back? 4. 5. 6. 7. Ei-" Grabbing her leg, I rip it off of my face, and she falls sideways as I let go and get to my feet, just in time for her to try to counter with an axe kick. I block the kick with my arms, and I feel the ground around my feet actively crack from the blow

"Nice block, kiddo." Mirko praises, and then leap at me, and puts my head in a scissor lock, her thighs actively trying to crush my skull as we fall to the ground. Or, they would be if my hands weren't inside the lock, pressing outward against her thighs, which I'm fairly should could actually crush my skull like a watermelon. 

"You know.......if you....actually tried....this would be a lot easier for you." I snarl, and then quickly slip out of the failed hold, grab her by her upper arm, and throw her a couple dozen feet, and started running again. 

"NOT SO FAST!" Kamui Woods shouts, appearing seemingly out of nowhere, trying to capture me again. Reeling a fist back, I slam it into the ground, and it's a like a bomb goes off when I release about a quarter of the kinetic energy I have stored up. Mirko and Kamui Woods are blown back dozens of feet, and there's a large crater around me. I take off running, yet again, trying to come up with a solution. 

In Observation Room Omega 

"Dude, that was manly!" Kirishima says, watching as Midoriya practically vibe-checked both Pros, then took off again. 

"I wish it had been me between Mirko's thi-" Mineta begins, but is quickly cut off by a tongue slap from Tsuyu. 

"Don't finish that, kero." She snaps. 

"He's doing a lot of running. Is he just trying to avoid the fight?" Kaminari mutters, and Yaoyorozu speaks up. 

"Yes and no. He knows he can't quite hold his own against two pros at the same time. He just has to survive for 10 minutes, so his strategy is smart. The only thing he really has to worry about is his stamina. He's going fast, and for fairly long period of time. It's a matter of who can last longer." She explains, and Iida nods

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