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THE WORLD was once simple, crime was solved and handled by law enforcement

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THE WORLD was once simple, crime was solved and handled by law enforcement. in story books, you read about heroes rushing to save the day but you never for a moment stop and believe that it could possibly come true.

Meredith can remember the moment she heard those three words, a rush of hope crashed into her overwhelming every sense.

Tony Stark stared into the cameras, he inhaled deeply before speaking "I am Iron Man."

"I knew it!" Meredith screams jumping around the room almost bouncing off the walls, her dark hair trapped in a ponytail swinging through the air in repetitive movements.

the excitement was short lived upon Tony Stark revealing his new alter ego, creatures and power beings crawled out of the shadows.

the world fell into chaos, it felt as if every second weekend there was a new altercation and someone else was being murdered.

still, Meredith couldn't help but adore the rising heroes with everything.

until the attack on new York, she had never felt so afraid and not once had she ever thought that she could possibly be in the middle of an attack at that level.

the aliens came out of the sky with the intent to kill and they tried.

the avengers were greatly outnumbered, a team consisting of a man wearing iron armour, a super solider from the 40's, an assassin, a man whom only uses arrows, a literal God and the infamous green monster Hulk.

a group of dysfunctional individuals and they were the only people who could put a stop to the madness.

people ran in fear screaming as the flying alien swooped down trying to spill some blood, Meredith cowered under a fallen bus stop breathing heavily as blood rolled down her head the aftermath of a large gash.

she couldn't see straight or think, the thudding on the base of her brain dimming all thoughts.

Meredith's breath hitched in her throat as two large alien like feet stopped a few metres away from her hiding spot,

it wasn't long until it let out a foreign screech, it's volume was enough to draw blood from her ear drums, she groaned in pain trying to block it out.

the creatures large hand grasped the bus stop and moved it aside revealing her trembling body, she looked up squinting slightly as it stared at her.

"oh sh-" one of the aliens ships flew past censoring her words, she pushed herself to stand and make a run for it begging herself not to trip and stumble over a piece of debris.

the city was unrecognisable.

buildings on fire, it was worse than the events of 9/11.

except the only fatalities falling from any tall buildings belonged to the enemy.

The Avengers were putting up one hell of a fight.

she could only pray that they would save her from the predator giving chase, it was desperately trying to catch her.

Meredith gasps for air trying to conceal her fear, although, it wasn't working.

she felt as if her heart and legs were going to give out on her, it was a race to see which would be first.

her ankle twisted slightly knocking her down, the alien lurked over her a void expression on its face.

it's weapon came down to strike and end Meredith's life but like a knight in shining armour, literally.

Iron Man shot the weapon away from its grasp and swiftly ended its life.

she breathes heavily too afraid to open her eyes and see the insides of an extraterrestrial creature.

"go hide, be safe." Tony Stark demands before flying off into the sky.

Meredith stands and picks up her pace a slow jog quickly accelerating into a fast paced sprint.

bodies of aliens and innocent bystanders alike lay amongst the debris and carnage, she gulps back the vile substance filling her mouth and ducks into an alleyway.

it seemed safe, it should've been safe.

a short brief of relief filled her veins but she could still sense the panic as well.

"mum, I'm sorry for being such an idiot!" she mumbled reaching for her phone, being in the middle of a battle was surreal.

she needed proof that she had actually been there.

the camera was slightly blurred as Meredith moved quickly swinging the cell phone around.

"there are aliens- WOAH!" She ducked as hulk jumped over the alley way crashing through a wall, "I nearly died! Tony Stark saved my life!"

her smile was slightly there, fear masking some of it.

"if Tony Stark is watching this in a day or two, thank you!"

a figure wearing a horned helmet steps into the alleyway, a sinister smirk on his pale face.

"you and I are going to get to know each other very well."

Meredith eyes widened with fear as he struck her with his staff, a scream parting her lips.

she fell to the ground, her phone sliding a few feet away.

Loki Laufeyson left the girls body behind feeling victorious, despite losing the battle.

he had won the war.

As she writhed on the ground in pain Meredith's Brown eyes begun turning a deep shade of Scarlett red.

a consequence of Loki's actions.

Meredith Creed had survived the God of mischief.

but don't be fooled, this is the story of Meredith Creed's death.


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