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GETTING KIDNAPPED wasn't exactly something that someone sees happening to them one day, you see it in movie and documentaries all the time but you never pause and think 'maybe that'll happen to me'

a black blindfold sat over the recently captured Meredith's eyes, small whimpers vocalising from the back of her throat.

she pauses upon hearing some shuffling around, a few seconds later the sound of a chair sliding across the ground echoes followed by a small ow.

the blindfold is ripped away from her face and tossed aside, she blinks rapidly trying to clear her eyesight of the fogginess that had developed.

"sorry, I've always wanted to do that." the Tony Stark chuckles waving a cup of coffee around, the wrinkles appearing by his eyes as he smiles.

Meredith couldn't believe her eyes, this was absurd "you scared the hell out of me! I almost peed myself!"

the man looks a little taken back by her little outburst, "I apologise next time I'll send Nick fury to collect you." He mumbles the smile still as wide as before.

"can you please remove the restraints?" she questioned although it sounded more like an order, the metal chair she was seated on beginning to shake.

he takes a moment before sauntering over to her and unlocking the cuffs.

If they were strong enough to contain Steve Rogers strength it was enough to hold a 24 year old girl long enough to get the information they needed.

"we have some questions, so stick around."

Meredith narrows her eyes, Tony Stark was infuriating but he was her idol and she couldn't contain the adoration in her eyes.

"Just ask me!"

The door slides open and the familiar red headed assassin steps into the room wearing the usual black suit, "I'll be asking the questions."

Meredith straightened her posture suddenly feeling giddy inside, "I have nothing to hide, I don't even know why you grabbed me!"

"Why are you working with Strucker?"

the name wasn't familiar.

Natasha inspects her face closely before coming to a quick conclusion, "how long have you had these... gifts."

she raised a brow, "I don't have any gifts nothing unusual has-" her words trail off as she glances down at her hands.

she begins to hyperventilate suddenly feeling as if the walls had begun moving in on her, the assassin standing a metre away becomes blurry almost unrecognisable.

"we need another sedative." Natasha's word are slurred.
Meredith stands abruptly, her nervousness making most objects in the room around her tremble.

"you're not putting me down like I'm a dog!" she moves towards the exit stumbling past Natasha, her eyes narrowed with determination.

it was quickly determined where they had taken her, she was in the Avengers tower.

"Mrs Creed, you need to calm down."

she glances sideways catching Steve's eyes, "s-stay back!"

he doesn't respond simply taking another step forward, the attention was nerve wracking.

soon enough, the avengers had her surrounded.

Steve approached cautiously nearing her, Meredith shakes her head and holds her hands up in front of herself defensively.

a blast of power forces him backwards a few metres nearly through one of the many windows layering the building.

her eyes soften and she immediately moves forward to apologise, "please don't be afraid of me, I didn't mean to do that!"

the team of superheroes pause watching as Meredith crumbles to her knees shaking with guilt and anxiety, tears filling her brown eyes.

Tony steps forward kneeling next to the young girl gently resting his hand on her shoulder, "take a few breaths." he guides.

she inhales sharply and exhales shakily.

"I remember you." he speaks analysing her face closely, "you were being chased by one of the Chitauri.."

"you saved my life." Meredith smiles widely feeling slightly less effected by her crippling anxiety, his smile was surprisingly reassuring.

Tony and Steve share a look, "you can do the same for others..."

Meredith frowns in confusion clenching her fists as she ponders about everything he could possibly mean until it clicks.

The Avengers want her.


terror. bucky barnes¹Where stories live. Discover now