Just Texting

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The little question game later was inspired (stolen) from AllyPotato

Arthur Lando

When he went back to his room the first thing he noticed was his phone constantly blinking. Frowning he picked it up and almost threw it away again when he saw that Arthur had sent him three texts.

Hi Lando, I was wondering if you already forgot about me haha.
But I get it, you were probably busy.
What do you normally do? We didn’t really talk about that. Tell me about your hobbies.

He was already blaming his stupid little heart for betraying him like this, but he couldn´t avoid smiling and butterflies flying around in his stomach.

Yeah, I´m sorry really. It´s just I had a show you know?
I mean sorry I didn´t even tell you what I do. I´m an Equestrian.
And I came back from my show like two days ago but yeah.
I´m sorry

He held in a breath when the three little dots immediately popped up, telling him Arthur was writing.

Stop apologizing :). And don´t worry I know what it feels like. When it´s race day I always get caught up in my own world.
Equestrian? What is that?

Lando couldn´t help but chuckle at that. Arthur was adorable. He sat down in his bed wrapping the blanket around himself before he started texting again.

Well theoretically I ride horses for a living.
Have you ever heard of dressage?

Dressage? Hmm, Nope I don´t think so. Seems like you´ll have to show me ;)

A hard blush spread across Landos cheeks when he read the message. The Idea of Arthur watching him train or even come to his shows was a feeling he couldn´t quite describe.

Maybe 😊 but I have to warn you it doesn´t get as fast as an F1 car.

Is that an Invitation?
Because I can´t promise I won´t immediately come over when we´re racing in Silverstone next week.

Landos heart stopped for a second. Arthur actually wanted to see him. He couldn´t get his mind around the fact that someone was actually interested enough to text him and Arthur just went straight on talking about how he'd come to visit him, even though it was probably just a joke.

Still shocked he let his phone slid out of his hand and onto the bed. He didn't want to get attached. The last Time that happened he only got hurt because the guy was flirting with him constantly and then when Lando confessed he told him he´s straight and it was nothing more but a little fun.

He didn´t look at any of the next messages Arthur sent him. Before he knew it, someone was knocking at his door. “Come in” he said. “Wow, you're really in the feels today, aren´t you? You didn't talk at all during breakfast, went straight back to your room and you clearly took a shower before breakfast which you never do and now you're sulking for whatever reason. Mind telling me what's wrong?” during her monologue Flo came over to him and was now sitting next to him on the bed her head on his shoulder.

Lando closed his eyes with a pained expression and laid his head on top of hers. “Why do men have to be such assholes?” “oh, now we're talking.” His sisters comment put a little smile on his face, it wasn't much, but it was an honest smile at least. He considered whether or not to actually tell a second person about Arthur today but then he decided that his sister knew as little about formula 1 as he did so he just went with it and sat up straight again.

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