Crisis And The First Meeting

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I'm actually proud of myself for finishing this hahah. Maybe I'll write an epilogue or sth but for now this story is finished.

“I fucking hate you George. You too Alex for throwing me into a team with him”, added Lando once he heard Alex chuckling. “I mean you said you didn´t want to third-wheel. Soo you can just snog off Arthur now”. The picture inside his head made him blush immediately “Fuck off” “Aww, look George he´s blushing.” “Adorable. You still didn´t tell us what's wrong now?” George commented.

“Well Arthur and I have been texting the entire day …” “Naaawww” came it in unison from both of his friends. Oh, how he already regrets telling them anything. “I messaged him this morning before my shower and when I came back my phone was constantly blinking.” “So, what´s the matter I still don´t get your problem mate.”, Alex said.

“Goddamn it! He´s been flirting with me the entire time and I didn´t know how to act. Fuck I almost had a heart attack twice.”

“Lando he´s already been shamelessly flirting with you when we all played games together and if he wouldn´t have been streaming I'm pretty sure he would´ve been even more forward back then already” “That doesn´t solve my problem, George! How am I supposed to act? Christ, you know what I´ll just send you screenshots.”

Setting his phone down he rubbed his face with his hands. It´s been so long someone actually showed interest in him, who Lando didn´t immediately waved off because of his asshole of an Ex that cheated on him for months, that he totally forgot how stressful flirting and actually letting someone near you could be.

“He´s so fucking into you mate I swear. Charles, his brother, literally called me like two days ago because Arthur was either glued to his phone or pacing around the entire apartment ´cause you hadn´t texted him yet.” Alex words ran through his head. They kept repeating over and over again until he couldn´t take it anymore and aggressively shook his head. “I just don´t…” “Just give him a chance Lando, he´s a good guy I promise. Just one date and then you can still decide. And if you want to I'll push him off the track the next race.”

He didn´t want George to push Arthur off the track. Hell, he didn´t want Arthur to get hurt in any way. And he found himself thinking that if Arthur actually asked him out, he wouldn´t be able to say no anyway. “Fine. But if he can´t deal with my fucked-up self and we both end up heartbroken it´s your fault”

“You´re not fucked up Lando. Yes, you have your issues, but we all have and they´re a part of you. Arthur will eventually get to know them and it´s going to be okay. Just don´t push him away”.

Lando had no answer to this, he knew George was right, but he always thought that if someone got to know about his problems, they would leave anyway so he chose to push away every guy that showed interest in him in the last two years because he didn't want to get hurt again, but he didn't think he had it in him this time.

Arthur had stolen his heart and took over his mind in just one week. Pretty much just two days of this week and he really didn´t want to push Arthur away. Lando really missed the feeling of having someone to hold, someone to hold him, someone to love him and reassure him, give him the validation he needed and just someone he could give his love to. Someone that wasn´t Blizzard.

“Lando!” his moms voice shook him out of his thoughts. “Alright. Gotta go. My mom is calling for me”. “Don´t think about it too much. For once just let your heart guide you” he snorted, “You sound like my grandma, Alex” “Shut up and go”.

It was a week later now and he was already in London for his last show of the season. Him and Arthur had been texting the entire time his siblings couldn´t shut up about him being glued to the phone and eve his trainer had noticed. Turning and tossing around in his bed he tried to sleep. He needed his sleep before a competition, but he somehow couldn't get over the thought that something was off.

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