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In Germany we say "zwei Fliegen mit einer klatsche geschlagen" :) This is cheesy af but i don't care.

Lando couldn't remember when he had ever been this nervous. His win, Arthur's surprise, their kiss it had been too much yet still not enough. Now two months later they were laying here on Arthur's bedroom cuddled together under the blanket.

Arthur laying on his bed with Lando half on top of him. His right leg and arm were slung around Arthur, while his head was buried under his chin.

"I'm really glad I'm here and I'm really happy you're here as well I'm just happy we can finally see each other in real life and spend time together and I can call you my boyfriend now."

Lando immediately cuddled closer, pressing a kiss to Arthur's shoulder. He felt safe, protected and loved and so fucking happy. Those two months of dating Arthur been the best two of his life.

He could lay in Arthurs arms for hours just sharing sweet kisses and cuddling. The younger one was treating him like a prince and it was fucking amazing.

"I'm also glad my season is over and I can spend time with you"

"I love you, mon ange"

The silence was comforting just laying in each other's arms in the morning after waking up to each other. It felt like home.

Still there was some nervousness creeping up inside of him. Nervousness that was caused by the reason he was here despite just spending time with Arthur. He was going to meet Arthur's family today.
They were all going for dinner after the race.

Suddenly the feeling of being completely at eased started to fade and he started overthinking again. What if they wouldn't like him? What if they'd tell him to stay away from Arthur.

He couldn't do it, Lando knew he couldn't. He had finally found someone that gladly accepted his love and gave him the same love back and he wasn't willing to just give that up.

The thought made him tense which didn't go unnoticed.

"Are you okay baby?", Arthur asked and the worry behind that simple question was so honest and real, it was almost enough to calm him down again.

"Just nervous." "You make me happy Lando, you make me so fucking happy and that's all my family cares about. There's no need to be nervous."

"thank you" Lando replied. Pressing his lips to Arthur's for a second.

A few hours later they made their way to the track and although Lando had been at the Silverstone race and met Charles already briefly he still was nervous.

"It's going to be okay mon ange" Arthur said pressing a soft kiss to his head before he let go of his hand and they stepped into the paddock walking to Arthur's motorhome. Lando was really glad he got to watch the race by himself without Arthurs mum or his brother Lorenzo.

Charles was obviously driving himself so he couldn't meat Lando before the dinner either and Lando was really gratefull for it, because he doesn't think he would've gotten a single word out without his boyfriend at his side.

Although he was getting better and Arthur had explained rules and tactics to him over and over again, he still didn't get everything. And Maybe just Maybe he also thought it was a bit boring to watch.

But he would never tell Arthur because his boyfriend loved that sport way too much and it was odly adorable watching him speak about it. His eyes would get all sparkly and his face was an expression of pure happiness and excitement.

Yeah, Okay maybe it wasn't too boring. But he was just being happy for his boyfriend here. Getting his first Podium and all, especially in that Alfa Romeo, not that Lando knew much about the cars at all.

I'm so proud Oh my god, Arthur!" his boyfriend had just lifted him up and swung him around making Lando giggle happily and then kissed him with so much Passion Lando felt like there was no air left in his lungs when they broke apart.

"I love you so fucking much Lando.", Arthur looked at him with so much Adoration in his eyes it was unbelivable. Lando never thought someone could ever love him so much and give him so much back, but Arthur proved him wrong.

"I'm so happy I can share this with you and my family, I just wish my dad could be here as well" Arthurs smile fell and Lando hated it, he hated it so much.

Cupping Arthurs cheeks with both of his Hands he looked him in the exes and gave him a reassuring smile.

"He's here. In your heart and I bet he's so fucking proud of you. He's just as proud as I am, as your Brothers are and as your mother. Don't ever doubt it. He may not be physically here but he'S Always in your heart."

"Thank you Lando, I love you so much"

"I love you too. Now go celebrate that Podium!"

"You wanna come with me?" Arthurs voice was quiet and he looked very insecure all of a sudden.

"What do you mean?" Lando was really confused, an irritated frown on his face as he looked up at his boyfriend.

"Do you want to come onto the Podium with me? Do you want to make it public? I know it's quite early and I under" Lando cut him off by kissing him. "Sure I will." he smiled happily, because really he would've never expected that.

Arthur's grin was so big now, Lando would have never thought was possible.

Arthur took his hand and then started pulling him through all the people until they were eventually standing on the podium.

Lando felt pretty at unease and awkward now that he stood there and all the people looked up to him or rather Arthur and the other two drivers.

Lando just tried to stay in the backround and not get noticed. Yeah that didn't really work.

"I love you, Lando" with those words he got pulled right onto the second place podium Arthur was standing on just seconds ago.

Looking into Arthur's eyes the crowd watching them didn't matter to Lando anymore. "You make me the happiest human alive" he whispered before he laid his hands in Arthurs neck and stood up on his tiptoes to kiss Arthur.

Arthur's lips tasted like Champagne and their kiss was so very sweet Lando felt like he was melting. The crowd was cheering behind them and it was an unbelievable feeling.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me Lando."

"I love you so much, Arthur."

Somehow it had felt like he rushed through the past hour and now they were Standing in front of the restaurant. Lando couldn't remember ever being this nervous before a competition, his hands were sweating, his knees were shaking and his mind was racing.

"It's going to be okay, they're going to love you."

"Right I got this. I'm not going to die."

Arthur gave him one last smile before taking his hand and leading them into the restaurant.

"Mum, Lorenzo, Charles this is my boyfriend, Lando."

Lando stood there next to Arthur and waved awkwardly.


"Hi, Lando, it's nice to finally properly meet you. Arthur never stopped talking about you since that one gaming evening." Charles grinned at him while his boyfriend shot his brother a deathly glare and Lando just blushed.

"Stop Messing boys. I'm Pascale, welcome to the Leclerc family Lando."

So this is way tooooooo late buuut, yeah anyway. Hope you still enjoyed :)

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