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Jungkook couldn't form any words. The small tingles in his skin, made him go crazy. His eyes flickered, but it wasn't the usual blue, instead it was white. The white colour meant that the person was unable to know what the wolf was. Taehyung noticed and frowned a bit but it only lasted a split second.
"You're so beautiful mate" Taehyung husked out in his deep voice.
Jungkook blushed furiously and looked away from Tae's gaze.
"Maybe we should leave the floor, would you like to dance with me?" Taehyung asked with a soft expression.
"I-I'd l-like that" Jungkook smiled shyly.

Taehyung helped the boy up from the floor and took hold of his hand. He pulled him to the middle of the the ballroom and smiled at the shy boy who had no clue what he was doing.
"Here" Taehyung held both the boys hands and brought them up to his neck, to show the boy that he could wrap his arms around his neck. Taehyung then let go, and placed his arms around the boys waist gently, so it didn't make him uncomfortable.

"What's your name pretty?" Taehyung questioned as they swayed their bodies side to side to the music.
"J-Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. What's yours?" Jungkook asked in a sweet voice, which Taehyung fell in love with.
"You mean to say you don't know who I am?" Taehyung wriggled his eyebrow in surprise.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't go out the palace much" Jungkook awkwardly responded.
"It's okay" Taehyung chuckled softly. "My name is Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" Taehyung beamed.
The name settled into Jungkook's head before he gasped, and flushed red in embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry prince, please pardon my ignorance"
"No don't apologise, it isn't your fault" Tae grinned, which calmed the boys nerves. "Would you like to accompany me to the palace gardens?" Taehyung asked, removing his hands from the boys waist and putting it in front of him.
"I would love to" Jungkook softly giggled, taking hold of the prince's hand.

Taehyung walked them out the ballroom and to the palace gardens. There was a warm breeze flowing around them, while they walked around the huge gardens.
"So tell me about yourself, I want to know everything" Taehyung said holding the boys hand safely.
"Well I'm 19 years old, my father died a few y-years ago. He was my best friend, we did everything together. I'm not that close with my mother and brother, but I try to love them. I love animals, I feel like they are the best companions. I feel like kindness is the best thing to apply to life. I also have a horse named Pearl" Jungkook said, trying to ignore the bead parts of his life.
"I'm sorry you lost your father, I'm sure he's very proud of you. I agree animals are great and they are always there. I also have a horse, he's called Midnight"
"That's such a pretty name for a horse. Now tell me about yourself" Jungkook asked looking at Taehyung with sparky, doe eyes.

"Well I'm 24 years old. I'm an only child, with two amazing parents. They've been nothing but supportive. I will be the crowned king in a few months. I treat my people and my kingdom with respect, I feel everyone deserves at least one chance. I love to read, which will help me when it comes to me being king"
"You'll be a great king, prince Taehyung"
"Please call me Tae, you don't need to be formal around me"
"Oh thank you Tae" Jungkook giggled cutely making Taehyung smile brightly.

They sat under a willow tree, talking about themselves and their childhood as they looked at the night sky. The two had become much closer during the night. It was an odd feeling. The both new the mate bond was pretty much unbreakable, but they never knew how well they'd get on.

Jungkook was currently laying his head against Tae's shoulder.
"H-how does the mate thing work?" Jungkook asked quietly.
"Well we either accept or we don't. If we do, we are agreeing to be with each other for eternity, we look after each other and so on. Then when we are ready we can seal it with marking each other. Then that will make our bond even stronger, and we'll be able to mind link and the smell of our mate will be much stronger. However if we cheat, or kiss someone else it will hurt your mate. Then if we decide not to become mates, it will bring even more pain to us, but I don't want to force you"

"Don't worry Tae, I'm not going to say no, u-unless you will" Jungkook wobbled slightly.
"Of course not, we are destined to be each other, and you're an amazing boy"
"R-really!" Jungkook gasped looking at Tae with wide eyes.
"Of course, you didn't think I'd not accept you did you?"
"Hm not many people like me at my kingdom" Jungkook sighed fiddling with his fingers.
"Well I like you and that's the main thing" Tae chuckled trying to relax the tense boy.

"I have a question" Taehyung asked me
"Hmm what do you want to know?" Jungkook questioned .
"Well, you know that I'm a true blood alpha from when you saw my red eyes. But, I don't know what rank you are? I know people hide their rank, but I promise you I'm not going to judge,  if you're an omega, beta, alpha I'll like you no matter what" Taehyung said with full honesty.
Jungkook placed his hand on Tae's heart to feel his heartbeat. It was a trick he learnt from his father. To feel if someone you like is honest about what they say, the best thing to do was to listen to their heartbeat. So Jungkook did it. His small hands covered Tae's chest and he counted his heart beat. It was a slow, and an easy pace.

Jungkook pulled away and looked at him.
"I'm an omega"

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