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"Excuse me?" The Queen growled at the omega.
Jungkook guided his mate to Bogum, and Tae quickly fell into Bogum's arms, whimpering almost as the pain shot through him. Bogum pulled out the knife and threw it to the side.
They watched as Jungkook stood confidently. The person who was always so frail had turned so stern and cold. Taehyung weakly looked up and held his wound with his hand.

"I said that's enough. You have gone way too far! I don't care that you're my mother, you will never ever be a mother to me. You don't slap your own child, you don't whip your own child, you don't poison your own son. I'm done with your sick mind. You can hurt me as much as you want, but you don't hurt my mate without getting away with it" Jungkook screamed loudly taking them all off guard.
"I know you don't care about me, and I'm sorry you gave birth to a worthless, ugly, disgusting omega, who you hate. But father loved me, he loved me more than anything in this world. He told me that it was okay to be an omega and believe that. I'm finished with being your ugly Cinderella, I'm done with all your do this, do that. Now will you leave me and my life alone. I'm finally loving my life and you're ruining it like you always do! I don't care if your delusional mind thinks that Junho is supposed to be Taehyung mate, he's mine and mine only. Now will you leave me and my life alone" Jungkook belted once again.

"How dare you talk to your mother like that! Do you have no respect? You're always so greedy, you pathetic brat" the Queen growled. Jungkook tried his best not to submit to his mother.
"No stop!" Jungkook yelled back. "Please just stop with the name calling" Jungkook cried with tears in his eyes.

She rolled her eyes and walked towards the omega. She brought her arm up to slap the boy, but Jungkook quickly held her wrist just before she could touch his face. He forcefully pushed her back so there was a distance between them.
"I'm not your slave anymore" Jungkook yelled angrily.
The Queen was about to charge at the omega again but people rushed through the doors.
"I'm sorry your majesty but we had to surrender, there were too many of them, we had to stop" the guards said out of breath.
"You WHAT!" She screamed.
"We are sor.."

"Queen Jeon you are to step down from being Queen of Abditory and must hand to crown over to Junho, who will be closely watched by the government to make sure he is fulfilling the promises he will make before becoming king. You are to be held in prison across seas, and it'll be a life sentence" the government yelled pushing through everyone.
"WHAT!" The Queen screamed once again, however she didn't have a chance to run away as the government guards pounced on her and cuffed her, dragging her away.

Jungkook was speechless, he just watched the whole scene unfold with huge eyes. Until after she was dragged away, he ran to his husband. Tears which he held back flowed down his cheeks when he saw the male turning completely pale. He cupped the boys cheeks and caressed the elders face.
"I love you" Jungkook cried, placing a kiss onto the elders forehead.
"I love you too" Taehyung gave a weak smile before he collapsed into Bogum's arms.


Taehyung woke up, forcefully opening his eyes. He moved slightly, letting out a loud groan. He heard taps turning off and heard a door open close.
"Tae" Jungkook gasped seeing the elder awake.
The elder tried to sit up and Jungkook quickly came to assist him. Jungkook placed pillows behind his back as he sat up.
"Baby" Taehyung pouted softly, patting the space next to him on the bed.
Jungkook immediately got on to the bed and carefully cuddled Taehyung's side, resting his head on the elders chest. Taehyung wrapped an arm around Jungkook, holding him protectively.

"I'm so sorry" Jungkook cried into Tae's chest.
"Why are you apologising darling?" Taehyung asked confused.
"I was the reason you got stabbed. You were so lucky you could have been left with fatal injuries, or worse you could have died" Jungkook threw small punches to Taehyung's chest in anger.
"But I'm fine, I didn't die and I don't have fatal injuries. I'm still your healthy alpha and baby don't blame yourself. You're not the reason why your mother was so ruthless, please don't blame yourself and worry that pretty head of yours" Taehyung kissed his head softly, and let off his pheromones making Jungkook relax in his hold.
"I love you so so much. Doctor says you should heal by tomorrow as your an alpha" Jungkook sighed squiggly his cheek against Tae's neck.
"I love you so much more" Taehyung smiled softly.

Taehyung tried to move but Jungkook quickly stopped him.
"Don't move, you are in best rest all day"
"Nooooo I don't want to be in bed rest" Taehyung whined like a baby.
"You have to hyungie!" Jungkook giggled, rolling his eyes jokingly.
"I think I might cry" Taehyung huffed.
"Noo don't cry, I'll look after you and keep you entertained" Jungkook smiled sitting on Tae's lap carefully.
"You're going to entertain me?" Taehyung asked wriggling his eyebrow.
"Hm what do you want?" Jungkook snorted.
"I want you to kiss me" Taehyung demanded.

Jungkook leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss on the elders lips, pulling away as quick as possible.
"Koo" Taehyung pouted.
"Tell me what you want" Jungkook smirked.
"I want you to kiss me till you can't breathe anymore. I want to taste every part of your sweet mouth. I want to nibble those soft, plump lips of yours which drives me insane. Now please kiss me" Taehyung said with a deep, commanding tone.

Jungkook blushed heavily and leant down, placing his lips on to the elders. Jungkook held fistfuls of Tae's shirt and he kissed the alpha passionately. Taehyung slid his tongue into the younger's mouth, making Jungkook let out a small moan. Taehyung kept his hands on the younger's waist, caressing Jungkook's skin softly. Until finally they pulled away, they breathed heavily, almost in sync. Jungkook slowly leant down and rested his head against Tae's shoulder.
"You make me crazy" Taehyung admitted.
Jungkook blushed heavily and brought his hand up to ruffle the elders hair.

But that was when Taehyung noticed the burn marks traveling up Jungkook's arms. Taehyung gasped and brought the younger's arms up to his mouth. He pressed gentle kisses over Jungkook's arm, and could feel the heat of the radiating onto his lips.
"Does it hurt?" Taehyung rasped.
"Not really, they should heal soon, it's just taking longer because I'm an omega. Don't stress" Jungkook smiled, snuggling into Taehyung's embrace.

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