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The guards looked up and saw the king, looking very angry. His eyes glowed a bright red, and he was snarling towards them. They were quick to let go, making Jungkook drop to the floor from exhaustion.
"YOU FUCKING RATS HOW DARE YOU TOUCH YOUR QUEEN LIKE THAT" the king walked down the corridor swiftly grabbing the guard's coat with two fists.
"If you ever come near this palace, near us, near my wife ever again, your head will be chopped off in one swift movement" Taehyung growled towards the two.
They nodded nervously as they thought they were going to get killed on the spot.
"Now leave this fucking palace and kingdom, and I'll make sure you're gone otherwise you'll be killed" Taehyung let go, throwing him to the floor as he did so.

When the two guard ran off, Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair angrily. He turned to his pregnant mate and noticed the bruises stretching across his neck.
"Hyungie" Jungkook choked seeing the upset male, looking at him angrily.
Taehyung shook his head and stormed off angrily holding his hands in clenched fists.
"H-hyungie" Jungkook called out the best he could.
But before he knew it the alpha had disappeared. Jungkook let out a few sobs as he grazed his fingers over his neck. He picked himself up off of the floor and walked down the corridor, ignoring all eye contact with people he walked past. He knew Taehyung was pissed, why would he be. Jungkook had told him a few hours ago that nothing would happen and that he would be safe. But something did happen and he wasn't safe.

Jungkook was unsure whether the elder would want to talk to him, so he decided to let Taehyung have their room, while he stayed in the spare room he stayed in for the night before his wedding. He made his way to the opposite side of the palace and walked into the room. He shut the door behind him and laid on the bed. He wasn't tired, but he was mentally drained. He hoped that whatever this thing was happening between the husbands wouldn't progress into an argument or anything worse. He hated being angry with people, or people being angry with them and although the situation which happened wasn't strictly his fault, he couldn't help but blame himself anyway.

Jungkook turned onto his side, and saw a mirror next to him. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw how broken he looked. Tears spilled out his eyes and rolled down his face. He was so distraught, he didn't want his husband to ignore him. He would usually go and run after the elder, but when an alpha is angry with his mates it's not as easy as you think. As well as that Jungkook was left broken, and injured from whatever had just happened. He cried into the cold pillow and held his stomach loosely, softly rubbing his small bump.

Taehyung on the other hand had marched to the practice room and began boxing with the punching bag. He angrily punched the bag over and over again. His eyes kept a red colour as he did so. He was angry, not with his mate, but the fact he was unable to keep the boy safe. He was pissed off with himself, and that resulted on him giving his mate the cold shoulder. He wanted to comfort his mate, but he didn't want to scare him either. He repetitively  punched the bag, imagining the bag as himself. He wanted to beat the shit out of himself.

Till finally he collapsed to the floor and looked up at the ceiling. He breathed heavily as sweat dripped down him. His eyes finally turned back to his brown eyes, and his anger finally disappeared. He calmed down and placed his hands over his face.
"Fucking idiot" Taehyung smacked his face, when he realised that he left his pregnant wife on his own after being violently assaulted.
He let out a loud groan and jumped up to his feet. He rushed out the room and went straight towards their suite, hoping that the boy was there. But when he walked in no one was there. Taehyung sighed and ran around the palace trying to trace the sweet smell. He followed the smell which led him to the other side of the palace.

He came to a stop and opened the door. He was met with a strong scent of marshmallows and strawberries. He noticed the boy was faced away from him and tried to hold his sniffles. Taehyung walked over to the bed and sat next to him. Jungkook knew the boy was there, but he didn't know what to say. He didn't want to upset the elder even more than he already was.

"I'm sorry" Taehyung choked out in a hoarse voice.
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as to why his husband was apologising.
"I'm sorry I left you on your own when you needed me the most. I should have just stayed with you the whole day instead of letting you roam around the palace. You could have been severely injured because of me. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't come in time. I'm really sorry petal" Taehyung let down his guard and cried.
Jungkook heard his cries and so he turned over and moved his head onto the elders stomach, curling up into him.
"I-it wasn't your fault, please don't blame yourself. You saved me in time and that's the main thing. You don't need to worry. I love you" Jungkook sighed happily, grateful that his husband wasn't mad at him.

Taehyung brought his hand up and traced the younger's face features softly, with the tip of his finger. He got to the younger's lips, and softly touched them. Then within seconds Jungkook opened his mouth and caged Tae's finger with his teeth softly, so it didn't hurt him. Taehyung looked at him with soft eyes as he chuckled gently.
"You're so silly" Taehyung snorted. "But I love you"

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