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The next morning after their rough night, Jungkook woke up and headed straight to the nursery. He walked in and turned on the light. He walked over to the cot and saw that the babies weren't there. Jungkook's breath hitched and his heart pounded against his chest. Jungkook let out a scream falling to his knees with his face in his hands. Not even a minute later Taehyung ran into the room and went to the younger's aid. Taehyung pulled Jungkook into his chest and the omega curled up into his alpha, crying.

"Shh baby" Taehyung held him securely, brushing his fingers through Jungkook's hair.
"T-they're gone" Jungkook screamed in pain.
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion not understanding what the boy was talking about. Jungkook's nuzzled his face into Tae's thigh, filling the room with painful cries.
"Baby, I need you to talk to me, who has gone?" Taehyung asked softly.
"Our children Taehyung! The twins! Mun and Sunhee, they are not here!" Jungkook yelled.

"Baby listen to me, the twins haven't gone anywhere, they are downstairs with their grandad hm. I just came back from seeing them. Everything is okay" Taehyung hushed the boy softly.
Jungkook lifted his head off Taehyung's lap and looked at him.
"S-so they haven't been k-kidnapped? Jungkook asked with watery eyes, with the tip of his nose going a slight shade of red.
Taehyung cupped his cheeks and looked at the broken boy.
"Baby, I can assure you they haven't been kidnapped, don't let your mother get to you. That nightmare last night will not happen in real life, okay. That woman won't be coming anywhere near our palace, I can assure you" Taehyung promised, placing small kisses over the boys face.

Jungkook crawled into Tae's lap and sat on him comfortably. Taehyung rubbed the boys back, calming his small hiccups. Taehyung slowly stood up, making sure he didn't drop Jungkook as he did so.
"Let's go see them to put your mind at rest hm" Taehyung suggested walking them out the room and down the long stair case.

They walked into the living room, and there sat his twins on the floor clapping with big smiles on their faces. Taehyung placed Jungkook onto the floor, and the younger ran to his children.
"Mama" the two looked at Jungkook, scrunching their small hands, wanting to be picked up by him.
Jungkook cried with relief and picked up his kids, holding them in his arms.
Jungkook hugged them close to his body and pressed kisses all over their faces.
"Mama missed you so much" Jungkook sniffed softly, whispering slightly.

Taehyung's dad looked at his son with a puzzled face. Taehyung shook his hands slighty, to make him drop the subject.
"I'll leave you two to it" he smiled before walking off to the garden.
Taehyung sighed and walked towards the boy placing his arms around the younger's waist and placed his chin on Jungkook's shoulder. He was faced with his daughter's face, so he pulled a funny expression making the girl giggle. She reached out her small hand and placed it on the elders lips. Taehyung kissed her small hand with a smile. He pulled away and kissed his wife's cheek.

"Why don't we have a picnic in the garden with the kids?" Taehyung suggested.
He decided that he wouldn't work today as Jungkook was traumatized by the nightmare last night and he didn't want to leave him alone, especially when he knew he was struggling.
"Really? I'd love that" Jungkook let out a small smile.
"Go get ready petal, and I'll ask Chef Felix to make one for us" Taehyung told the boy moving his arms away and patting his butt.
Jungkook nodded and placed and sweet kiss to the elders lips before walking off to get ready.


It wasn't long later till they were all sitting outside on a picnic blanket laid out for them. The twins were currently sleeping next to them wrapped in a blanket while Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting on the floor cross legged, opposite each other. Jungkook was munching on a cheese and cucumber sandwich, taking in the warm weather. The breeze was sweet and uplifting, it took the negativity out of him.

"Are you feeling okay sweet?" Taehyung asked, taking a sip of his rose lemonade.
"Hmm I'm good hyungie, are you okay?" Jungkook asked softly.
"I'm perfect baby" Taehyung smiled lovingly.
"Why's that?" Jungkook asked cocking his head to the side.
"Why, can I not be perfect?" Taehyung asked teasingly.
Jungkook pouted and huffed.
"Of course you can, I'm just curious as to why you're perfect"
Jungkook crawled closer, shuffling onto the elders lap, wrapping his legs around the elders hips. Taehyung smiled and wrapped his arms around the boys waist, holding him lovingly.
"Well because I have the best life, I don't see any point of being sad or negative. I have the best mate in the whole entire world. My kids are beyond amazing. I am king of the best kingdom I could have ever wished for, with an outstanding Queen standing by my side. My father has always been by my side and I know my mother is watching me proudly. So I am perfect, absolutely perfect" Taehyung smiled, kissing Jungkook's chest where his heart would sit.

Jungkook leant down and pressed his lips on Taehyung's. He placed his hand on Tae's face and kissed him like it was his last time. A tear slipped from Jungkook's eyes as he pulled away from Tae's lips. Taehyung pushed the boys tear away and looked at him worriedly.
"Don't cry baby" Taehyung trailed kisses up and down on the younger's neck.
"I just wish I could be perfect too however I can't stop thinking about my mother. I know it was so long ago, I'm just worried she'll want to take my life away, because it destroyed hers" Jungkook sniffed.
"I know you are baby, but that woman won't be coming anywhere near us or our children. I will make sure of it. Let down your guard, because I promise I will protect you with all my power" Taehyung promised between the small kisses he left.
Jungkook pressed a kiss on Tae's forehead, letting it linger for a moment.
"Thank you"
Two words which seemed so vague, meant more than you could ever imagine.

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