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Taehyung and Jungkook were back in their room. They had spent the afternoon talking with the King and Queen about everything and what will happen. Taehyung had stopped crying as he didn't want to worry his mother. Once they got back Taehyung shut the door behind them and pushed Jungkook to the wall.

Taehyung smashed his lips on Jungkook's, forcefully bit on the soft plump lips. Jungkook was taken back by the roughness and tried to respond to the messy kiss. They've had a few make outs now and again, but this was different.

Taehyung brought his lips away and started trailing his lips down Jungkook's neck until his lips grazed over the marking area. Taehyung licked the sweet skin, causing Jungkook to whimper slightly.
"Can I mark you?" Taehyung said with his alpha voice, making Jungkook whimper.
"Y-yes" Jungkook whined slightly.

They had both discussed it and decided they wanted it and they would wait for the right moment. Jungkook knew the boy was stressed and the alpha inside must be trying to protect his vulnerability. But he also knew that he wanted to mark him so Jungkook agreed.

Taehyung's eyes flicked the blood red and he licked the spot once again. Jungkook tilted his head to give better access for the male. Taehyung dug his fangs into Jungkook's skin, piercing it slightly. Jungkook let out a small whimper as a sharp pain shot through his neck.
Taehyung quickly licked the mark taking the pain away.

"C-can I mark you?" Jungkook asked softly.
"Of course you can my beautiful omega" Taehyung said as they switched positions. Jungkook placed his hands on Tae's chest to steady him, as he goes onto his tiptoes. Taehyung tilted his neck as Jungkook begins to lick the mark spot. His eyes flashed a navy blue and pierced his fangs into his prince's skin. The boy innocently licked it afterwards and pulled away.

The couple watched as their two mate marks began to glow a light orange colour. A tattoo started forming on each other's skin. A sun formed on Tae's neck while a moon formed on Jungkook's. It was beautiful. They had sealed their love for each other for eternity. They will now be able to feel a change in the others emotions, feel each other's pain and be able to talk to each other in their mind.

"Now come talk to me please, I know you don't want to cry, but it's okay to cry around me" Jungkook spoke softly, caressing Taehyung's cheek, watching as he leant into the warmth of the younger's hand. Jungkook pulled Taehyung to the bed. Jungkook rested against the head board, and let Taehyung sit between his legs, leaning back on the boys smaller body. Jungkook placed a hand at the top of the boys head, brushing his fingers through the strands on Tae's hair near his forehead, while the other rested on Tae's broad chest holding on to the elders larger hands.

"It's okay Tae" Jungkook whispered to the alpha who was silently crying.
"I'm scared" Taehyung sobbed, choking back his cries.
"I know, but remember she loves you okay. She'll always be here for you" Jungkook sweetly spoke, pressing a kiss on the elders head.

Taehyung was terrified, he didn't want to say goodbye to his mother any time soon. His mother would always support the boy and tell him what he should do if he ever felt that his decision was wrong. She was the best mother he could have ever wished for and he didn't want to lose that. He didn't even want to imagine what his father will be like when she passes, he'll be so lost and hurt.

The sweet marshmallow smell, calmed Taehyung down, taking his out his spiral of dark thoughts, which were no good for anyone. Taehyung snuggled up to his omega close, holding onto him tightly. He pulled up Jungkook's tshirt and placed his face on the younger's stomach, which thankfully was forming a little, squishy belly. Jungkook was so skinny when they first met, and now he was now down the path way of healing and becoming the healthy omega he should be.

Taehyung placed many kisses over Jungkook's stomach making Jungkook giggle softly, feeling his lips tickle him. Taehyung moved himself off the younger's body and turned around to face the boy. He shuffled next to his mate and pulled Jungkook into a hug. They entangled their legs as they hugged and smiled at one another.

Jungkook placed his nose just under Tae's scent gland and inhaled the chocolatey smell, comfort swallowing him whole. Jungkook released a satisfied sigh and cuddled into the prince more if that was even possible.
"Will you be okay marrying earlier than we thought?" Taehyung asked, resting his chin on top of the younger's head.
"Hm yes my prince, I'll be with you forever, so marrying you will be just as amazing. As long as you're okay, then I'm okay" Jungkook mumbled against the boys neck.
"I'm more than okay marrying you, it will be a dream come true" Taehyung whispered sweetly. 

While Jungkook and Taehyung shared their sweet moment, the Queen and King were laying on their bed together. The king was holding onto his wife as she had her head resting on his shoulder.
"I think Taehyung will be just fine with Jungkook" the Queen sighed in relief.

Today she had learnt that Jungkook was perfect for her son and that was everything she needed. The walk, which did end up becoming fairly short, was well worth it. She got to say what she wanted to say to the omega without being interrupted. She was more than relieved to understand her son's mate. She always had her doubts as to what her sons mate would end up being, but Jungkook was more than she had ever hoped.

"He will be a fine king for our kingdom, and Jungkook will be a fine Queen for both our kingdom and our son"

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