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"I'm booored."

"You've been saying that for the last four hours. We're almost there."

Colin kicked his feet, "How much longer?"

"Like ten minutes."

"And when we get there?"

"Yes, I'll watch a movie and cuddle after calling Lincoln."


Wade shook his head, trying not to smile.

In no time, they were pulling into Wade's driveway.

"We're here."

Colin quickly pulled out his phone, "I'll tell Lincoln!"

"You do that, I'll take the bags inside."


We made it

Ok I'll head over

We're gonna cuddle and watch movies


I'll be there soon too

The traffic is bad and I stopped for lunch earlier so I've still got a while

Come quick I miss you

That's why I'm pushing the speed limit

No don't do that

Don't text and drive either



"They're coming."

"Great," Wade snuck behind Colin, scooping him up.


Laughing, he carried the younger boy inside and threw him onto the couch. He climbed over Colin, staring down at him. "Can we skip the cuddles?"

Colin pouted, huffing.

"Please?" He stretched out the e, whining.


"But I wanna fuck you."

Colin shook his head, rolling onto his side.

Wade leaned down to kiss Colin's neck, trailing up his jaw.

Swatting him away, Colin laughed, "Stop. You promised cuddles and a movie."

"But Baby, don't you think that's boring?"

"No." He pushed Wade off of him to sit up, "You sit there. Don't move." He got up off the couch and walked over to the big bookcase of movies next to the TV.

After searching for a couple minutes, he found what he was looking for: the Disney collection. Wade had more Disney movies than anyone he had ever met. You name it, and he had it. A large grin covered Colin's face as he grew excited, "I didn't know you liked Disney movies!"

Huffing, Wade stood up, moving to stand behind Colin and wrap his arms around the smaller's waist. "They're for my nieces and nephews. They're like six and won't sit still unless they're watching Disney."

"Aww, that's sweet. But I thought I told you to stay on the couch, mister."

Resting his head on Colin's shoulder, Wade raised his eyebrows, "Who put you in charge? Last time I checked, this was my house, and I can do what I want."

"Hmph. I guess we're watching Cinderella then," Colin grabbed the movie, breaking out of Wade's grasp to put it in the DVD player and turn on the TV.

"Nooo, that movie was made in like 800, and the story is terrible."

"1950, and the story isn't terrible. Cinderella's basically an old timey sugar baby who can talk to birds and mice. She's an inspiration to us all," he said matter of factly with a proud look on his face.

"Oh, so this children's movie inspired you to date rich dudes for money? Is that why you like me?"

"Eh, just this much," he held his pointer finger and thumb apart about three inches, "You're also one of three,so that makes up for it."

With a playfully mad expression, Wade shook his head, stepping back over to the couch slowly. He watched Colin's eyes grow wide, holding back a laugh. He lowered his body to straddle the younger, practically sitting in his lap. "That wasn't very nice. You think you should be in trouble?"

Colin was about to shake his head when the front door flew open, and in came Lincoln. He glanced at the two, seeming unfazed as he plopped down next to them, "Cinderella? Good choice, Col."

Wade leaned sideways to lay half in Lincoln's lap and half in Colin's, "You could've knocked."

Lincoln rolled his eyes, "You knew I was coming. Plus, is that any way to greet me? Kinda rude if you ask me. Col," he tapped his cheek, and Colin pecked it, "Glad I can finally see you again. It's been way too long."

Wade gave up his act, sighing, "Fine, I missed you, and I'm sorry."

"I just saw you a couple weeks ago, dummy. I was talking to Colin."

"Oh come on, I thought I had at least until Henry got here before the bantering started. We all missed each other, and now we're going to cuddle while watching Cinderella so shut up."

Lincoln and Wade shared a look before shrugging and following Colin's request.

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