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I'm so boreddd


Ok and?


Give me attention




That's ur job




I'll give you attention


No baby you don't need to give in to his tactics every time


Aww but he's so lonely




I'm so lonely


I'll start a facetime call


I'm guessing you don't want on Henry


Add him add him add him





Lincoln started a call with his boyfriends, repositioning himself to sit upright in bed. Colin was the first to join, smiling and waving the second he popped up on screen. Lincoln felt his mood lift the second he saw that face, letting out a light laugh. Wade's picture appeared on the phone, shoulders bare and hair dripping wet. Henry was the last to join, decked out in all black clothing yet again.

"Hi guys, I missed you!" Colin said before anyone had time to fully connect to the call.

"Aww, I missed you too baby boy."

Lincoln watched as Colin's face grew slightly red at Henry's comment. "Yeah, I missed you all, but Wade what the fuck are you doing? What's with the lack of clothing and wet hair?"

"I was showering then you called, so now I'm just standin here."

"And why did you stop showering to get on the phone?"

"Why? You want me to keep it up? I can totally get back to it if you wanna watch," Wade smirked, starting to slowly back up away from the camera, showing off more of his exposed chest.

Lincoln shook his head, "No, I really don't. Then again, I don't think anything is going to stop you at this point, so I don't really care."

"Ah, come on hon, you never let me get you off over the phone. Just this once? Please?"

"That's cause you're not as good over the phone."

Henry burst out laughing, "Damn, preach it Linc." He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, "Good god, you tell him babe."

Colin shook his head, taking a bite of his dinner, "Don't be mean. Wade, you do the job just fine, don't listen to them."

"You're all so mean to me. This is no fair," Wade pouted.

"Hey, I wasn't mean to you!"

"No baby, you're the only nice person here. Should we leave the two meanies and have our own call?"

"Eh, I don't feel like getting off right now. I'm too busy doing my mask and eating. Maybe later."

Once again, Henry lost it, dropping his phone this time. "Linc, Colin, I love you two so much, you don't even know it."

Wade's picture disappeared from the screen, showing he had left the call. Lincoln didn't want to overthink it, but he still had a bad feeling and left the call as well. He scrolled through his contacts before calling Wade separately, deciding against a video call this time around.

"Hey, what's up hon?" Wade's voice came through the speaker sounding perfectly normal.

Lincoln sighed in relief, thinking he had upset Wade. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. We're just messing with you, you know that, right?"

Wade chuckled, "Yes, I know that baby. What's wrong?"

"Well, I thought maybe you left because we upset you, so I wanted to make sure."

"Aww, honey, I just left cause I was getting out of the shower. You said you didn't wanna see all that right now, so I was gonna call back after getting dressed."

Lincoln nodded to himself, feeling some of the tension leave his shoulders. "Oh, okay, I'm glad. And Wade..."


"If we ever take a joke too far please say so. I don't want something to happen to you because of me."

"I promise I'll tell you if it's too much. Don't worry about me baby, I'm all good."

"Okay...I think I'm gonna head to bed. Will you tell the others for me?"

"Of course. Sweet dreams Linc, I love you."

"Love you too."

A/N: I'm finally back yay! Sorry if the formating on this chapter is weird, I'm writing on a different device than usual, but I still wanted to get an update posted. I've recently had some good ideas on where to go with this plot, so you can count on some more updates from now on (and if I forget just yell at me until I do it).

Q: Would you be interested in a seperate book for recommendations? It'd basically be a book of one-shot recs based on these characters. I'll take any recs: fluff, angst, lemon, etc. I want to include my readers some more, so let me know if you're interested in something like that. I could also do like random scenario extras in that book that don't even have to be realistic for the story at all. Ex. If you wanted we could do a supernatural AU or something

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