The confrontation: the reign of the hell

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Pov Caroline

The next day ... At 9 o'clock in the morning ... At the Salvatore mansion ... In the dining room ... Caroline was reflecting while being warmed by the flames of the small chimney and the tea made by Bonnie, which made her think about what she would do if she died and what would do if lived, because at that moment both options were a possibility, but her daughters ... What would happen about them? Were they in danger? Not that Alaric was not a good father, but the world was dangerous as she well knew and was afraid they would have a tragic fate if everything went wrong.

- Caroline. - Stefan said taking her out of her daydreams.

- Stefan, I ... - Caroline took a deep breath thinking about how much she had affection for him, but she was confused about so much that she wanted to leave certain matters for when everything was resolved. - We need to talk.

- Do you want to postpone the wedding? - Stefan asked when reading her expression that he knew very well from the time of friendship, which although he was sad to still feel something for her, he ended up reflecting on letting things resolve and having noticed a look of her on Klaus, but leaving him happy that he was a man who would bring her happiness. - I won't be mad at you, we can still be friends.

- I really tried, but so much is happening and I needed to be frank with you. - confessed Caroline relieved to see that no matter what happens, Stefan would always be by her side and also because she wanted to focus totally on a bigger conflict. - When you want my help, I'll be here.

- Me too, you are one of the people I care most about in this world. - Stefan smiled as he hugged her to comfort them both in the face of so many conflicts. - I'll have some of that tea.

- It's great, Bonnie is amazing. - Caroline smiled as she delighted in the smell that made her feel free that she came to think it might be due to her friend's gift. - Just be careful. - She gave him a worried look that made Stefan return with his thoughts racing.

- I will, she doesn't play with me anymore. - Stefan said in a state of alert, although angry with himself for still seeing a bright side of her, but who was deceived once again by her selfish instinct.

Pov Bonnie

In the guest room ... Bonnie was reading the Bennetts' book of witchcraft and, right after, starting to train looking at the window that had the sound and a part of nature, albeit shallow, to focus on a counter spell powerful that aimed to destroy even the most deadly spell on the face of humanity. At first she cast a strong spell to injure her, then smuggled, thinking of the teachings she learned from her grandmother that she should put her life in it. However, it failed miserably, leaving her more distressed and with a little discouragement.

- Don't be too harder for yourself, my dear, focus a little on your soul. - said the ghost of her grandmother, leaving her surprised and almost crying with emotion.

- I try everything, but I am a failure for our family. - Bonnie replied with melancholy remembering the death of her and Enzo, the people she spent the best moments of her life.

- You're a Bennett. - She said holding her granddaughter's hands tenderly and firmly. - Focus on our struggles and how much your soul loves the things that you want to protect. We are a phoenix that resurfaces with each generation and each battle, we are the Bennett. She winked at her, which made her catch her breath a little.

- I'll try, Grandma. - Bonnie said, almost crying with nostalgia when she remembered when her grandmother told her stories about her ancestors in battles against different supernatural beings of darkness, and in Damon's words that she was "a witch more powerful than many there" , in addition to the words of encouragement from her beloved, Enzo, "I believe in you", which made her think of making the sacrifice of the people she estimates not to be in vain and making them proud. - I will go.

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