Puzzle Globe

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Stefania's POV:

Today is 20th of January, WeChatWednesday. We woke up at 8am to get ready. I made breakfast, we showered and I started to covering my hickeys on my neck. ,,Danielle, can you help me, please?" I yelled to her from the livingroom. She quickly ran downstairs. ,,Yes, darling?" she asked with her toothbrush in her mouth. ,,I need you to help me covering the hickeys that you gave me." I said as I pointed to my neck. ,,Okay, I'll bring our makeup bag, one minute!" she said as she run upstairs. She came back with a purple bag in her hands which was filled with makeup products. ,,Okay, first we put some corrector on the spots, then some concellar! Then if we have to we'll repeat." she said like an makeup artist. I chuckled. ,,You try to act like you have any clue about what you doing!" I laughed. ,,Shh, let me do my job!" she warned me and started to covering my spots. After five minutes of smearing she sighed and showed me her masterpiece. I looked at my neck and my hickeys was almost gone. My neck was a little bit lighter than my chest, but through the camera it was not even noticiable. I gasped. ,,You are an artist Bella!" I said with a giggle. ,,I know, right!" she smiled at me. I kissed her lips softly. ,,I'm going to the store to buy the oil, because after the live I want to pleasure you!" she smiled and pulled up her shoes. ,,But you can't drive!" I warned her. ,,I know, it's not far. Five minutes on foot!" she said as she opened the door. ,,Okay, be safe!" I answered. She closed the door. While she was in the shop, I fed Jeff and played with her. Fifteen minutes later Danielle opened the door. ,,I'm home! I bought cocoa smelling oil!" she smiled as she ran to the couch, where I was sitting. ,,Good, 10minutes and we can start the live!" I said as I stood up. ,,Okay, I'll change my shirt." she said as we both went upstairs. She pulled up a pink shirt with black dots. It looked amazing on her.,,This shirt looks nice on you! Come kiss me then go downsairs so we can start the live!" I said as I held her waist. ,,Okay, today you are the one who starts the live!" she kissed me softly then left the room with a smile, before I could say I don't know how can I start. I sat down and started the live. 

,,Okay! So buongiorno everyone!" I said with a smile. I didn't know if I started a live or not.          ,,I mean everyone...I don't think anybody is in here right now!" I giggled about how silly I am. ,,I'm gonna add....Danielle!" I said as I added my girl when I realized there is already two thousand people watching me. ,,Oh no, there is a lot of people! Hello everyone how are you, I just...Oh my God!" I yelled when my beautiful girlfriend's face popped up on my screen. ,,Hi!" she greeted me. ,,Can you believe that I did that?!" I asked proudly. ,,I'm so proud of you!" she smiled. My hearth melted. ,,Thank you Bambina!" I smiled. She laughed. ,,Hello! Good...uhm morning!" she acted like we didn't woke up together. ,,Hello, good morning to you, how are you?" I acted the same as her. ,,I'm good...I'm good! I put up my pink polka dotted shirt today!" she showed me her shirt. ,,I love it! I need to make and effort, I don't want to making an effort!" I said when I saw I didn't change my PJ's. ,,It's okay, you don't have to! You look gorgeous all the time!" she flirted with me. I blushed. We talked about everything. After 10 minutes Danielle started to talking about puzzles. I hate puzzles. She wanted to show me the globe puzzle which she did for two weeks. ,,Although, should I show you the globe I did with Gr...I...Grey got me a puzzle and I did?" she asked like I didn't see it already. But I nodded. She ran to the work room. ,,Going to two rooms away..." I accidently said this, I fucked up, because admitted that I know where is the globe. But then she showed us the rainbow ball puzzle. After a lot of talking we decided to say bye, but Danielle started to readning the comments. ,,Ciao Bella!" I said. ,,Sorry I'm reading the comments!" she said with a laugh. ,,That's it! We are out, say bye! Say bye!" I ordered because I couldn't wait for my massage. Dani finally said bye. ,,Ciao!" I said. ,,Bye Bella!" she said as I ended the live.

Danielle's POV:

After Stef ended the live I picked up the oil and ran up to our room. When I got there she smiled at me. ,,I hate that puzzle!" she laughed. ,,Why? I think that is the best puzzle I've ever had!" I said. ,,Nah! But now, you can massage me until I fall asleep!" she said as she stood up. ,,But we just woke up! Why do you want to fall asleep?" I laughed. ,,I don't know why, but when you massaging me I'm so relaxed, it's hard to not fall asleep!" she told me as she dressed down. She took off her top so her upper body got bare. I smirked at her. ,,No, Bambina! My cookie is still dead because of the yesterday!" she said when she realized where are my thoughts is. ,,Your what?" I laughed. She rolled her eyes and layed down on her belly to our bed. I laughed so bad. ,,Don't laugh! Come here and do your job!" she ordered. ,,Ay! By order Captain!" I saluted. I walked to our bed and and sat on her butt as I poured some oil to her back. I started the massage. She moaned when I reached her neck. I kneaded her back, her waist, her neck, her shoulders, her occiput. I ran my fingers up and down on her spine. 15 minutes later I had to pour some more oil, because her skin drank in all the oil I poured before. She really enjoyed, I saw that she almost fell asleep. 

,,I don't understand why is this so good..." I said as I stroked her ridge. She looked at me with a confused tired face. ,,I can show you!" she said as she rolled around. I fell off of her butt. ,,What do you mean?" I frowned. ,,Take off your clothes!" she ordered. ,,Why?" I asked confused. ,,Because I'll show you, why is it so enjoyable!" she said. ,,You don't have to!" I tried to convince her. ,,But I want to! So dress down and lay down!" she pointed to the bed. I thought about it for a while, so she came to me and unbuttoned my shirt. After she threw my dotted shirt to the ground she pushed me to my belly. She sat on my butt and poured some oil on my back. It was warm. When she started to massaging my back I understood while she said it was enjoyable. It felt so good. ,,Oh my god!" I sighed. She giggled. ,,I told you!" she whispered to my ear. The chills ran down on my body. She continued the massage. Her hands reached every point of my back. I was so relaxed. I the last thing that I remember that her hands reached my neck and my shoulders. Five minutes later I fell asleep.

RP: Hey guys! Sorry for being late, but I was busy with school. But here is the new chapter! Have a nice night/day! Be safe! 


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