After Party

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Danielle's POV:

After I started the engine my hearth beated in my throat. I love Macey, I really do, because she was there for me in my darkest times when nobody was, but only like a friend. We kissed few times before, when we were teens, but we were drunks and we did stupid things, but now she looked at me different. I didn't want to hurt her so I ran away. Ten minutes later my phone started to ringing it was Stefania. I sighed and picked it up. ,,Hello! I saw your post, can I ask you why is Macey wearing your shirt?" she asked, she sounded really upset, but I was upset too, so now I won't let her acting jealous. ,,Stefania, please! Don't act like this, not today!" I begged her as my eyes filled with tears. ,,What? So I'm the bad person, when that was your shirt in her?" she asked as she giggled sarcastically. I sighed shakingly. ,,No, I didn't say that! I'm not good, please can we talk about it when I'm home? I'm driving." I said as a tear rolled down on my cheek. ,,You are not good? You seemed very happy in that photo!" she laughed ironically. I couldn't stop my tears and I started crying. ,,Danielle?" she asked with a worried voice. ,,I'm so sorry!" I said as I hung up. The hot tears rolled down on my cheek as I drove home. Half hour later I parked my car in our driveway. My eyes was still filled with tears. When I wanted to open the door Stefania stood there with a frown. When she saw my tearful eyes she opened her mouth then she closed it. She held out her arms as to hug me. I hugged her and I fell apart. She held my hand without a word me and led me to the couch. She put me on her lap as she hugged me, my head was on her shoulder and my nose touched her neck.

After I cried uncontrollable for five minutes I started to calm down, because of my girlfriend's hand on my back. When I sniffed Stefania looked into my eyes. ,,What happened, Bambina?" she asked as she stroked my wet cheeks. I bit my lip and looked away, but she held my face and forced me to look at her. ,,Bella..." she said as she tilted her head. ,,She tried to kiss me, I saw that glow in her eyes." I whispered. She frowned and swallowed. I saw her jealousy on her face, but she controlled herself, for me. ,,And what happend? Why are you crying?" she asked as she licked her lips. ,,I quickly hugged her and I drove away without saying anything!" I said as I sighed. ,,Okay...and why are you crying?" she asked again. ,,Because I saw in her eyes that I broke her hearth!" I said as I almost cried again. ,,Danielle..." she whispered. I saw that she didn't get me. ,,You don't understand it, she was the only one who was there for me when I was a depressed teen. She was the only one who I could count on, she never hurted me and now I hurted her!" I said as I cried again. She just put my head on her chest without saying anything. She just stroked my back for minutes. ,,It's not your fault, baby!" she said. ,,Yes it is, she loves me and now, because I don't love her back, our friendship is over." I sniffed. ,,If she is your friend she will get that you don't feel the same way." she said. I nodded. ,,Okay, can we go to sleep now, you have live tomorrow early." I said because I didn't want to talk about it anymore. ,,Of course, Bellina!" she said as she stood up and led me to our room. She put me in bed and few minutes later I fell asleep in her embrace.

Stefania's POV:

I woke up early because today I'm living with my skincare professionalist friend. Danielle was still asleep so I tried to stay quiet.  It was 10.38am when I already dressed up, brushed my teeth and my hair. I ate some cereal, fed Jeff and I went to a quick walk with her. 15 minutes later I got back home and I turned on the instagram as I waited for 11.00am. When the clock switched to 11 I started the live. I added my friend and we talked about skincare for long minutes. When the live was over I went to the kitchen from the working room and I saw Dani sat there with puffy, bright blue eyes. I weakly smiled at her so she smiled back. ,,Good morning, Bella! How are you?" I asked as I walked to her. ,,Good morning, darling! I've been better, thank you!" she said as she hugged my waist. I kissed her forehead. ,,How was the live?" she asked as she kissed my neck. ,,It was really good actually!" I smiled as I sat down next to her. ,,I'm happy to hear that!" she said with a smile. ,,What should I do for you for breakfast?" I asked. ,,I'll have cereal!" she said as she stood up to pour some to her bowl. She started to eating. ,,So we won't talk about yesterday?" I asked carefully. She looked at her bowl as she stirred her breakfast. ,,Look Danielle, I'm sorry for what happed to you, but we are together, you need to talk to me!" I begged her. ,,I'll, but not now!" she said as she stood up and put her bowl in the sink. She turned around and walked upstairs. I followed her. ,,What are you gonna do?" I asked as we reached our room. ,,I'm gonna take a shower!" she said. ,,You mean, we?" I asked with raised eyebrows. ,,You already showered." she said as she started to undressing. ,,No, I promised you, that I'll never have another shower without you!" I said with a smile. She smiled. ,,I love you!" she said as she pulled me to the bathroom.

After we took a shower together we watched the TV. ,,Do you want to go to the beach?" I asked because I know how to cheer her up. She looked at me with glowing eyes. ,,Yes, baby! Of course!" she said with a chuckle. ,,Grab Jeff's leash and let's go!" I said as I stood up. We quickly dressed up and started to heading to the beach. When we got there we sat on the sand while Danielle's head was on my lap and I brushed through her hair with my fingers. She looked into my eyes, her eyes was just like the ocean. ,,I'm in love with your eyes!" I said as I kissed her lips gently. ,,I'm in love with you!" she said as she climbed on top of me and gave me fifty kisses all over my face. I laughed so hard. ,,Stop! Let me breath!" I said with a chuckle. She stopped and kissed my lips softly. Jeff started to licking my face so we stopped kissing. We both laughed. ,,She wants to play with us!" Dani said as she grabbed a stick and threw it to Jeff. I sat there and I admired her beautiful face with a smile. I'm the luckiest person on the Earth. ,,Stop staring at me!" she said as she realized that I was looking at her. ,,You are beautiful!" I said with a giggle. ,,You are a flirt!" she said as she pushed me down to the sand as she stood up and started to running. ,,You are the plier!" she said as she ran away. She did the same as I did the day when we confessed. ,,Cheater!" I yelled but I followed her. She was faster but she stopped few times to give me a chance to catch her. So I did. I jumped to her but instead of falling she held me so I hugged her waist with my legs. We both laughed. I kissed her lips. We stood there and kissed until the sun went down and we started to going home.

RP: Hey guys! It's a shorter, boring chapter, but thank you for reading it! Be safe! 

Tiktok: Zambo.Jimmy

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