Port Mafia Dazai x Agency Atsushi

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TW: brief mentions of su*c*d*, kidnapping, slight implied abuse, self hatred

AN: this request was made by Cosplayer684
So basically the plot of this is Dazai never left the mafia and atsushi joined the agency some other way.

Dazai had been sent to capture the little tiger boys which he thought was his things would go, but things happened nothing like he had planned. He'd been sent after atsushi a few other times, and had to work together during the guild fight and other very rare occasions, so you could say they were...aquanauted.

Dazai hadn't fully realized but he had started to have very complicated feelings for the tiger boy, he just brushed it off as being intrigued because what other explanation was there? Well that's what he kept telling himself anyway.

Once dazai had found him he immediately tried, and failed, to attack him. "Dammit tiger!" "Are you still after me-" dazai pulled out a gun. "Move and ill shoot you. Come with me" dazai walked up to him and nullified his ability, atsushi practicly shaking just did what he said.

When atsushi woke up, imprisoned by the mafia, he saw dazai. "What do you even want from me!?!" "You've got a real bounty over yourr head and we want it." Atsushi stayed quite. "You cany even control yourr own powers let alone know how to use them so im doing you a favor" "shut up" being yelled at and teid up was giving the poor boy orphanage flashbacks. "You fo relaize yourr property of the port mafia now, right?" "I know.." atsushi let out a heavy sigh "why are YOU doing this though, not just tge mafia but you. You could help so many people but instead you're doing this" "BE QUITE" Now dazai was the one being remedied of things he didn't want to think about...odasaku..."I just wanted to know-" "...because life is meaningless. It dosnet matter what path I chose. And who are you to think you have the right to ask my questions?" Dazai was actually fine with atsushi Asking him questions but he didn't understand why.

"Thats not true" "what?" "I can tell you WANT to do something else you just don't know what. Just let me go and ill shut up, or even help you! I can help you get out of this mess-" "why are you being so nice to a suicidal maniac like me?" "Because you seem like you need help" "shut up. You don't know what you're talking about" dazai said while walking up to atsushi. "You can't help me. I don't need it and even if I did im not helpable." The smaller boy gave him a look of pity. "Why didn't you shoot me? You could've? It would've mad enough job a lot easier. As long as you made sure I didn't die." Dazai stayed quite. He didn't kniw why. Both their feelings toward search other were co.plex and neither understood it. "I hate you atsushi stop asking me questions!" "Let me help you" to that he got a slap on the face. "I TOLD YOU TO BE QUITE. I COULD TOURTURE YOU RIGHT NOW, NOW TELL ME EVERHTHING ABOUT THE AGENCY AND I MIGHT BE NICE" There was an obvious falseness to dazais words. "You don't want to do that do you...do you...care..about me?" Dazai stayed quite. Hed never thought about that before. "Why?" Is all he could say "why what-" "why the hell do you care if i care!? Why do you care about someone like me!?! Goddammit stop playing with my brain if you really wanna leave then just go!?! Just tell me." "...I want to help you. Wiat are you crying-!?!" Dazai quickly wiped his tears. "No im not crying! And I DONT NEED HELP. AND I CHANGED MY MIND IM NOT LETTING YOU GO" Atsushi looked up at him. "Why do I care about you? Because everyone needs to hear that their worth something. Because you seem like you need help. Please just let me help you don't you realize you'll be much happier away from here?"

Dazai didn't realize but hed started crying again. Eventually he gave into his own thoughts and untied atsushi, not letting him leave though." "Huh-" "you can't leave." Dazai said before hurrying his face into the tigers shoulder. "Uh- calm down-" dazai didn't understand what he was doing but he felt safe. "Who are you!?! What the hell did you do to me why do I feel so safe?" Atsushi stayed quite and wrapped his arms around the sobbing mess that was dazai. "I..I didn't do anything to you, im just trying to comfort you" dazai had been so broken everything atsushi said just made him let it all out. "I don't need you're help, just can we please stay like this for a bit longer, please?" "Of course" dazai knew if anyone saw them they'd both be dead, but the rest of the mafia had some trust in dazai to nit let atsushi go so no one would come check, hopefully. Neither of them understood tye wierd complex feelings but they've seem to come to terms with them. Once dazai calmed down atsushi went to let go but dazao clinged onto him more. "Dont go.." atsushi hugged dazai again and dazai looked at him, gave him a slight kiss on the cheek, and then pushed him away. "I'll go tell the boss you got away" atsushi smiled at dazai, a thankful smile. And then ran.

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