Chapter 24

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Jennie's POV



"Yah Nini.." Wave hand


I was back on my sense when someone shouted my name

"Stop calling me Jennie" I rolled my eyes then realized what I'm doing

"You're spacing out.. Are you imagining again?" Lisa asked me

Fu** so you mean..
You mean urghhhh!!
All of those aren't real!??

"You didn't push me on the couch?" I asked Lisa who's seating beside me

"Why would I push you?" She curiously asked

"You didn't kiss ----" I didn't continue to say something when I realized that I'm just imagining again..

Am I really in love with you Lisa that's why you're always in my mind..!
No no no...
I don't like you or even love you..
But why you always in my head...?
Why I always jealous?
Do I really like you or love you?
Do I???

"Nini you okay ..?" She asked me again because I look like a crazy person looking on the floor

"Uhmm yeah sorry I'm just thinking something" I replied

I hope that imagination was real..!
I hope she really kiss me ...
Dam* it ..!
I hate myself imagining those kind of scene...

I don't understand myself now ..
I don't know..
I feel like I'm empty on the darkness since we're on the Jeju Island before..

Oh no.. Is this the result after that fake dating????
No no no way..
I'm just imagining..
But why her????

"Nini..?" Now Lisa hold my hand

"What's wrong?" She added

"Nothing" I shortly replied

"You sure?" She asked

"Uhm yeah.. what are you saying again?" I asked to changed the topic

"I'm asking you if you are in on surprising Chaeyoung on her birthday next week.." She said that made my heart hurt..

What do I feel like someone hit me on my head and stab many times me on my heart?

"Nini?" Lisa asked again

"Ah.. yeah sure why not" I said

"You really okay?" She asked me again

"I said I'm fine" I seriously said

"Okay sorry .. but please don't be mad" She said

"I'm not mad" I seriously replied

"Ow.. okay" She replied

"So what kind of surprise..?" I asked

"To ----" I continue her words

"Sing a song in front of her" I finished the sentence and she look surprised

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