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The two of them sat in the old rustic cafe in the back corner; out of earshot the normal clientele. Introductions were made and Naomi momentarily showed Valle her ear enhancements.  Valle did not follow popular music but of the Las Gatas idol group, he had heard plenty. They were the most popular group circuiting the military and thus a subject of resistance intel. A lot of their merchandise was even sold among the populous. 

He was not here to judge the musical talent of idols, however; this girl was supposed to have big news for the Latinidad, and he was here to judge wether that information should be pushed up to higher levels of resistance.

"So, you are the mole who is to figure out wether the info I have is good enough to pass up the chain? Am I right, punyu?" Naomi asked.

"Punyu?" Valle was taken aback by the unexpected word.

"Oh sorry. Us idol singers are conditioned to have some cute mannerisms and the like. Mine is adding 'punyu' at random to the stuff I say." Naomi said inoccently.

Valle smiled. People on Latinus didn't show smiles with their mouths since they all wore some kind of mask, so they smiled with their eyes. "So what can you tell this mole?" he said. "So, I need to speak with the leaders of Lantinidad because I have information on a plot that could tip the balance in the war; and evil plot." Naomi said.

"What kind of evil plot?" Valle was intrigued but annoyed that this girl seemed to be toying with him.

"I cannot say too much outside of a controlled meeting but you have to know that there will be catastrophic consequences for the PRs, punyu."

"How do we know we can trust you?" Valle was trying to goad her now. 

"You do know who I am right? Don't you think I am risking a great deal to bring this information to the resistance?"

(Sorry this chapter is short! I'm quite busy right now.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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