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A/N: ok chapter two have fun!

𖧷𖧷𖧷𖧷𖧷        Y/N POV     𖧷𖧷𖧷𖧷𖧷

As I knocked into someone's shoulder and managing to fall flat on the ground I looked up to see a boy with extremely blond hair almost white to be honest and bright blue eyes. If there was a little more natural light I could mistake them for white or light grey. He was definitely a little over a foot taller then me seeing as I am 5,0.

I'm not the best at reading people but the look on this boys face tells me he's picturing my dead body six feet under.

"Umm.. I am really sor-" I started to say before I was rudely interrupted

"Don't, I don't need an apology from a blood traitor like yourself ." The boy scowled.

And that's when I recognized him...
the boy I assume was Abraxas Malfoy. Every now and then I would see him with the notorious slytherin gang or as I would call  them  the slytherin Boy Scouts. The group was known for bullying students who were not pureblood or pure bloods who were not blood prejudice as they called it "blood traitors". I would try my best to stay out of their way the best I can but sometimes I would end up crossing them in the halls.

"Well ok no need to be a dick about it. I wonder who shoved a stick up your ass this time." I scoffed as I got up off the ground and started to walk away but was yanked back when I felt a cold force grab my wrist.

"I'd watch that mouth of yours... I think your forgetting who your talking to" the boy hissed as he let go of my wrist and stormed off
As I watch him storm down the corridor of the train I couldn't help but notice he was alone. I would think that he would be with at least two other boys like he always was if he wasn't with the whole group. But I was kinda glad I didn't have to face all of them... god that would be a nightmare.


It has been officially 1 hour into this train ride and Victoria is already slumped on my shoulder knocked out cold while Benjamin is sat across from me talking about something to do with quidditch. ( which I stopped listening to about 15 minutes ago). I was staring out of the train car window looking out at the hills of green when I heard the train car door slide open. Me and Ben turned our heads to see our other comrade Mary.

"It's about time you showed up! I thought you missed the train!" Ben said while patting the seat next to him for her to take a seat.

Mary Parkinson was a pureblood who also did not care about blood status. Me and Veronica met Mary in our first year when we pulled a prank on the prefects.

"Oh yeah! I'm sorry about that I got caught up with organizing the first years." Mary explained while finally taking her seat and placing her book on the table.

"It's ok, as long as you didn't miss the train like you almost did last year." I said while Mary glared daggers at me and Benjamin was trying so hard to suppress his laughter but failed miserably.

"Yeah? Well it wasn't my fault my mom decided to try and burn the house down! And plus I got a good run out of it" Mary laughed and we all copied.

As we were talking about our summer and Veronica still passed out on my shoulder, I heard people out in the hallway. They sounded angry and the conversation was loud but not yelling. Clearly Mary and Ben heard it too when they both looked at each other and we all got up which caused me to be in an odd angle to not wake sleeping beauty on the side of me. When they opened the door and peeked out we all knew what we were seeing and decided to ignore it.

" huh?.... it would be a shame if something bad happened to you wouldn't it?" A male said half chuckling. He had dark hair and brown eyes and seemed to be around the same height as Malfoy.

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑫𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑨 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆  [On HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now