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𝑨𝑵: I know This is a photo of the transfiguration classroom and not the great hall. This is just to help for later. BYE ENJOY!

𝑮𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑻 𝑯𝑨𝑳𝑳

"Finally I'm starving!" Ben  yelled as we walked into the great hall for lunch.

"I know we all are. but also just to warn you, Muggle Studies has changed a lot from last year. For once I actually stayed and did not think about ditching." I laughed

" ya just you wait. you will have a stool flying at your head right as you walk in, all they have to do is get comfortable with the new professor." Veronica shivered

" hey give her a chance she might change them. the class was dead silent and they were actually listening to what she said" Mary chimed in

"they are just looking for her weaknesses. " he continued" they analyze her, they stalk their prey and when she's vulnerable.... THEY STRIKE!" Ben shouted while throwing his hands up in the air.

Veronica laughed while Mary and I just rolled our eyes at Bens explanation. We all sat down and started to put food on our plates.

"Hey Guys?" Ben asked
Veronica and Mary looked up at him curiously.

"Is there a new kid in slytherin?" He questioned.

Mary looked at Veronica with a questioning look before turning back to me and Ben.

"No, I don't think so. Why?" Mary answered

"well we saw a boy that we have never noticed before now." ben mumbled as he bit into his sandwich.

As Mary, Ben and Veronica continued to talk about the mystery boy I decided to follow my curiosity to the other end of the Slytherin table. The common group of Slytherin boys sat as they ate lunch. I saw the mystery boy and it seems he knows them. Maybe I just didn't notice him because he's one of the quiet ones? I thought. I didn't know any of they boys besides Malfoy and Riddle and one other boy, Lestrange was it? I'm not certain but I know they are trouble.

I noticed I was zoning out so I returned my attention back to my friends conversation to hear-

" VERONICA! YOU CANT DO THAT NOT NOW PLEASE!" Mary shouted as she jumped up to grab Veronica's arm.

Veronica slipped from Mary's weak grip and snatched a bowl of mashed potatoes from our table. I watched as Veronica marched her way to the Hufflepuff table. I turned my face to look at Benjamin and Mary who also looked worried. I was about to questioned what I missed when I heard something slam. I averted my gaze from my two friends and returned to an angry Veronica who was now standing over a Hufflepuff girl. She had black hair that was somewhat wavy in a half up half down style. she had a light tan definitely from this summer. she was looking at veronica with a what I call 'ghost smirk' as veronica was trying to kill the female Badger with her sharp fuming glare.

"YOU BITCH! I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" Veronica shouts.

she now officially had the whole great Halls attention . I peeked at my other friends expression and they looked at her with wide eyes. I looked back just as Veronica dumped the bowl of mashed potatoes on the raven haired girls head. I gasped and covered my mouth covering my laughter. just then the whole great hall erupted into laughter, whistles and giggles. The once enraged Veronica smiles and walks back to the Slytherins table and sits down to continue eating. I just stared at her in shock and in a way impressed and proud of her even though I didn't know what the purpose was.

"sorry about that." Veronica apologized

Mary just rolled her eyes and Ben laughed at her outburst. We all looked at Veronicas victim who stood up and stormed out of the great hall. I turned around to see Veronica smirking.

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑫𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑨 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆  [On HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now