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A/N: Finally this chapter is where it starts to get interesting! I realized how frustrating it is when I read stories and they don't get straight to the point but look what I'm doing...... Anyways enjoy!


"ok back to the plan. We need to get this done sooner or later, sooner is best." I said with taking a seat at the Slytherin table.

"we still have this week and next week." Veronica complained taking a seat across from me. while Mary takes a seat beside her

"well I know that but it seems like the prefects have already got their schedule and the professors have their routes planned out, all we have to do now is set up and plan it at the correct time." I reasoned while passing Ben the gravy.

"Alright well how about we do it when they have the prefects meeting?" Mary suggested.

"prefects meeting?" I asked

"ya, it's tomorrow after dinner. The prefects have this meeting to discuss if they have problems with their schedule or make suggestions on what they think would help." Mary explained before taking another bite

"that could work, so now the only problem left is that its after curfew." Ben chimed in

"well that has never been a problem for us, even when prefects were roaming around." I smirked

we continued to eat our lunch and discuss our plan quietly. Then I got that feeling....its the feeling you would get when walking alone at night in the dark on a sketchy street or the feeling you get when someone gets a bad idea that you know will lead to trouble. Me being me I decide to push that feeling to the back of my head and focus on the plan. but for some reason this opportunity of getting this prank done successfully without to much of a chance of getting caught seems odd.

we eventually exit the lunch room and proceed to find our next class. Transfiguration. Veronica and I both looked at each other a huffed. We opened the door and entered the classroom. We took our seats and wait for everyone while had small talk.

"Good afternoon I hope you all had a great lunch but now it's time to get started" Dumbledoof announced

And yes that is what I'm going to call him from now on 'Dumbledoof'. The class got situated and organized what they needed.

"Today we will be working in partners, Which I will be choosing." He said picking up his wand.

The chorus of boo's and groans followed after while he started to pick names from a small red bag.

Chairs were screeching as students moved around to their new partners.

"Veronica Rivera and....... Mathew Smith"

I stopped fiddling with my wand and looked up surprised to hear my brothers name. I looked around and saw him smiling at me. I smiled back totally unaware we shared this class. I looked at Veronica with a knowing smirk. She looked down at me now standing and grabbing her books, she punched my shoulder playfully and went towards my brother. And then I was alone I continued to fiddle with my wand until I heard my name.

"Y/N Smith and.... Tom Riddle"

My eyes widened and my mouth was slightly parted. I was shocked. How could I forget he was still here. I looked over in his direction, he was writing down some notes. I sighed and stood up and made my way over to his section of desks.

I sat next to him he sensed my presence when he looked up, he raised and eyebrow which I shrugged.

"We're supposed to work together." I said while taking out my quill

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑫𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑨 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆  [On HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now