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This is the scene in JoeHills' video where the Bee-lievers meet up and talk for a bit, along with some others...

XD this scene is hilarious just read it.

. . .

(Cub, Joe, Xisuma, Cleo and Scar are out side of the HCBBS countdown clock)

Cub: Greetings Bee-lievers! Welcome to HCBBS, the HermitCraft Big Bee Swarm, where only days from now we'll see the Big Bee Swarm, and the eventual creation of Infinibee.

Cub: Praise Bee!

Joe and X: Praise Bee!

Scar: Praise something...

Cleo: Am I in a cult?

Cub: Do we have Non-Bee-lievers here? Whaaat?

Joe: Thats an opportuni-bee.

X: I am actually just a bee, so I'm just attracted to this area right now. Flowers, giant bees... 

Cub: Thats good! You guys might notice there's some giant bees over here, these are so that the Big Bee Swarm has friends. Also the Chorus Flower, thats because the infinibee is from another dimension, so he needs flowers from another dimention; The Chorus Flowers.

Scar: Has these bees, or the chorus flowers, payed for their land? Just a quick question; I'm just here on behalf of the Government.

Cub: Um, the bees don't use money, they pay is honey, which brings me to my next point...

(The scene then continues, watch the video if you want)

. . .


Welp that was fun.

Yes I am alive, just busy with real life.

And I know we haven't updated TMTB in a while, we kinda don't like the book that much, as it is just a jumble of random things that don't make any sense. 

And writers block is being REAL kind to us... /s

Let us know if you have any ideas/questions/ anything rly.


K bye!


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