Chapter One

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Calum's POV

"It would be a miracle if we could get these plane tickets on such short notice. Why didn't we think of buying them earlier?" Ashton asked.

Right now, we were sitting in my office, trying to find decent priced plane tickets for next month. We were finally getting a two week vacation from work, and we wanted to visit our family in Australia.

Knowing us, we forgot to book the flights.

"Well, y'know, we're stupid," I said while looking at my computer. I was checking my emails, seeing a bunch of useless junk that I had no interest in.

From: Monica Ivers

Subject: Domestic Exchange Program

Dear Mr. Hood,

As we have thoroughly reviewed your application, we're happy to announce that you will be getting a 14 year-old for the domestic exchange program. Her parents have reviewed the application, and are perfectly fine with it. The girl's name is Hallie Rodgers, and her parents say she is a sweetheart.

Her parents have booked her a flight for Monday, and she is coming from Atlanta, Georgia. Congratulations, and thank you for participating in the domestic exchange program.

A couple of months ago, I decided to sign up for the domestic exchange program because I thought it would be cool. I was going to do foreign exchange, but then I thought about the fact that it would be harder to stay in contact.

To be honest, I was excited.

"What? Why do you have that look on your face?" Michael laughed.

"So you all remember how I volunteered our house for a domestic exchange student to stay in, right?" They all nodded their heads. "Well, my application was accepted, and we're going to have a 14 year-old girl stay with us. Her name is Hallie," I said.

"Finally! I can have a new best friend," Michael almost yelled.

Why was he more excited than me?


Hallie's POV

I sat on my bed, reading one of my favorite books, "The Hunger Games." I just loved it with all my heart. It was such a masterpiece.

Just as I was getting to the part where Peeta and Katniss were going to eat the poisonous berries, Dad walked in with Mom.

"Pack your bags you worthless piece of trash. You're going to California for some exchange program that we signed you up for because we don't want you here. This was the perfect way to get rid of you without going to jail," Dad smirked.

They left, and I just stood there. Exchange program? California? I was so confused, yet did as Dad told me to, not wanting to get on his bad side.

Oh who am I kidding? I'm always on his bad side no matter what I did.

I never did enough to make them happy, and I probably never would. That didn't mean that I didn't love them. I loved my parents with all my heart.

I never noticed the bad things they did, until I started to live with four guys that showed me what love really was.

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