Chapter Eight

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Hallie's POV

"What a freak," Someone murmured in the hallway as I was walking to class. The words hurt, but I couldn't show it. I couldn't let them win.

I needed to be more careful about what I did. The boys almost found out about the bruise on my face.

If I was at home, my parents wouldn't notice it because they'd be to drunk and focused on seeing me miserable. This was a definite change of environment.

The teachers weren't too keen on me, either. The only teacher who actually respected me was Ms. Greene.

She was the only person who knew about the students and teachers treating me badly, and she was more than sympathetic.

She keeps offering to do something about it, but I decline every time. I don't want anyone to think that I have to rely on someone to solve my own problems for me. Thankfully, she respected that.

Right now, I was sitting in the chorus room with Ms. Greene, doing my homework during study hall.

She wrote a permission slip for me to be able to come to her room during study hall, so I didn't have to face the students and teachers more than I had to.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to do or say anything? I don't want to overstep or put more stress on you, but I can help you," She said.

"No, I can't rely on you with my own problems," I told her for what seemed like the millionth time. I couldn't drag her in the rabbit hole known as my life. There was no way she'd be able to climb out of it.

"Okay, but just let me know," She told slowly as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I looked for Ashton's car, seeing as it was his day to pick me up.

"Hello sunshine, how was your day?" He asked, driving to the hospital.

Apparently the guys had to work late shifts for the next two weeks, so they were going to let me stay in Calum's office and do whatever while they were working.

We chatted for a few minutes before pulling into the parking lot of the hospital. I went to Calum's office, seeing them all standing there with smiles on their faces.

"What?" I asked.

Michael showed me a video of something on his phone. It was the video of me singing 'Shadows' during chorus. Someone posted a video of me. It had 200,000 views!

"Where did you get that?!" I asked nervously.

"Someone posted it on YouTube and I found it. Man, you have such a beautiful voice, Hallie," Calum said with a bright smile shining on his face.

My face was probably a tomato now. All of the boys got paged to do a surgery or something and left me. I watched, 'Glee.' until a knock sounded at the door. It was the guy from the doctors' appointment.

Just like the doctors' appointment, we made eye contact for multiple seconds before he said something.

"Uh hi, I'm Niall. Dr. Clifford texted me, saying that they were going to be in surgery for longer than expected, and asked me to keep you company," His face was slightly red.

"I'm Hallie. You don't have to keep me company, I'm fine with being alone," I told him. He looked at the computer screen, seeing that I was watching 'Glee.'

"Oh my gosh, I love Glee," He said, sitting down with me on the couch. We watched three episodes before I fell asleep, leaning against Niall's chest.


"Hallie, c'mon, wake up," I heard the familiar voice of Calum saying. I groaned, seeing all of the guys with a smile, including Niall, who was sitting next to me like before.

"Thanks for staying with her," Michael told him before Niall left. For some reason, I was kind of sad that Niall left, yet I didn't know why.

Luke laughed, seeing my sad expression, and wiggled his eyebrows. I just slapped his arm, walking to the car.


"You're such a worthless piece of trash!" Lucy yelled, walking with her boyfriend and posse. Like I haven't been called that before. As I pushed past her, she painfully grabbed my wrist, making me wince in pain.

"Never ignore me," She said, slapping me. Everyone in the hallway just stood there and laughed, including the teachers. Life was so unfair.

"Did you just hit her?" I heard the gentle voice of Ms. Greene say.

"Um, no, there was a bug on her face, so I was trying to kill it," Lucy lied.

"I've heard everything you've said to Hallie. I'm going to be nice and let you off with a warning. If I ever catch any of you bullying physically or verbally, that's the end of your time at this school. For the teachers who just laughed with the students, that is utterly disgusting and you're horrible people."

Well I could really learn a few lessons from her about how to stand up for myself.




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