Chapter 2: Wow

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"Now come here so I can make sure this outfit works"

"Ughhhh!" I mean as I force myself up off of the chair I was perfectly comfortable in. You know when you sit down and it takes you so long to find the right position, but then you find it and it is perfect and so comfortable, but then your best friend forces you out of it to try an outfit, yeah it's annoying right.

"Just please let me choose the shoes" I beg really nit wanting to wear some heeled shoes that make me look like a total idiot.
"Actually, yes, those boots you got today are actually decent, and they go quite well with the outfit, ooh and that shirt you have on" Mackenzie says pointing at the red and black flannel shirt that I always wear as a jacket.

"Ok so, we have this skirt" she says passing me a short pencil skirt that matches the jacket. I cringe as I take it but dont complain. I really have skirts but Kenzie teally knows what she is going and as much as I hate to admit it, she really knows how to make people look good. "And these, don't have it till you try it" she rolls her eyes when she notices the look on my face as she passes me a pair of fishnet tights.

This just gets better and better.

"And finally, this" she says handing over a small black top with spaghetti straps, kind of vest style. "You're kidding right, this is tiny" I says looking at it.

"Lydia trust me, concerts can get really hot, you're gonna need small clothes, plus, the jacket" she hands me the top "ok you get changed and then when I'm dressed I will go your hair, you are going to look wonderful".

I quickly pull the curtains shut and get changed into it, well all apart from the shoes, and I look in the mirror. I'm not going to lie, this girl works wonders!"

"Kenzie comes up behind meand hugs me "told you so" she rests her head on my shoulder and just looks at my reflection for a few seconds. "Ok, hair".

She leads me over and sits me down where she has set up a hair straightener "just be still" she says and dove minutes later she is done . "It's a bit rushed but it will do" she says with four hair bands in her mouth. She does two space buns on the top of my head with small bits of hair and leaves the rest down. The pink streaks in the mini buns look like swirls, it's actually very pretty!

She turns me around and makes me stay still for another five minutes as she carefully applies eyeliner and mascara onto my face. "Maybe I should put some lip stick on you" she says quietly thinking out loud.

I immediately jerk away from her "you come anywhere near me with that red stuff and I will break it" I scowl and she slowly puts the deep red lip stick back into the bag. "If you really insist that I put something on my lips then pass me that clear gloss" I roll my eyes and hold my hand out for it. "Dont make me regret this".

"Lydia, if you are so tired of being single then you need to put yourself out there, at school specifically, you always wear such plain clothes and never do anything with your hair or face that you just melt into the background. I love you and you know that but sometimes you need some tough love and I'm here to give it to you right now. Guys would be lining up to go out with you, if they could actually see you!" Mackenzie has always been the one to put herself in the spotlight and it usually goes in her favour. She always gets the guy, which is no shocker, I don't think I can think of any flaw to her, what can I say - she's the beauty, I'm the brains, that's how it's always been and that's probably how it will stay.

"Let's just not talk about my social life right now please, what are you wearing?" I stand up and walk over to where she is looking at five different outfits.

"Well, this one is cute" she says pointing at a yellow off the shiildertop paired with a black pleated skirt. "But then so is this" she directs my attention to a red two peice, top and pencil skirt. "Then I could go for a dress, this one might be a bit too much" she picks up a gold dress with sequins all over. "Yeah definetly too much, now move it before you blind me" I laugh as I shield my eyes from the reflections.

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