chapter 3: Now or never

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Kenzie stands silent for a few seconds before grinning and shouting "I told you so!"

"I told you that ghosts are real, I said you probably walked through one, oh wow Julie was at Macdonalds and she said that we almost sat on Reggie and Alex, we almost sat on ghosts! And I told you she is a witch!" Kenzie laughs as she rambles on.

"Yeah ok, I admit you're right and that we almost sat on ghosts but we still don't know if I walked through one and for the last time Julie is not a witch, and we can't just go around shouting that stuff, people will think we are crazy" I hiss "now let's go back in there before we start to look suspicious" I take her wrist and lead us back into the crowded room.

"Let's go into the middle!"
She grins to me but I shake my head "no, I told Nick that I don't do well with crowds, if he sees me back in it it will seem suspicious" I reason with her and she actually agrees. "So when are you going to try and call Julie?" She asks and I suddenly remember that I forgot to check if the number was saved.

So I quickly get my phone out and unlock it to find not one but two new contacts on it, one being Julir and the other Nick. And then I get a text from him 'couldn't help myself, I laugh and look over my shoulder to look at Nick who is a few meters away smiling at me.

"Oh my god! He gave you his number?" Mackenzie gasps as she looks over my shoulder at my phone. "Pleasr give it to me!" She is practically begging. I sigh and start typing a reply 'well I'm glad you did also my friend finds you cute and is asking for your number...'.

"What did you say?" She says trying to look at the conversation. "I asked if he is ok with me giving you his number" I see out the corner of my eye that she is actually looking behind is "Mackenzie, stop starting at Nick you'll scare him off, oh he's replied" I laugh as she whips her head back around to see what is being said. 'Well tell her that she can definitely have my number!'. "See I said he would say yes" she is almost jumping with joy as she pulls her phone out.

"You are absolutely ridiculous you know that right" I roll my eyes as I pass her my phone with Nick's number on the screen. "I actually think that I might have to go sit back down over there, this whole dead brother think is making me feel a tad queasy" I put my hand on my stomach which is still unsettled.

"Ok just, give me a second, I'm coming!" Mackenzie finishes typing in the number then pulls out a compact mirror. "Ok, I'm good to go" she smiles and puts the mirror back into her bag as she links her arm in mine and pulls back over to Nick.

"Oh hey, you good?" He asks when he sees me sink back down into the chair. "Oh yeah, just stating to feel a little ill again, actually do one of you mind getting me some water?" Nick and Mackenzie both nod before saying in unison "yeah, I'll get it". They look at each other and Kenzie says with a smile "it's no worry, I can do it" but Nick shakes his head "no you stay here and relax, I can get it".

Mackenzie looks at him, grins and says with a cheery tone "ok!". Once he has walked away she leans down to me and whispers "oh I'm so glad be insisted, I really couldn't have been bothered". Ah yes the good old fashioned I gotta insist to do this random think that I don't really want to do but offered to do so that I don't seem like a terrible person.

Top tip - always be the first to say that you can do it again, the other person will feel obliged to say it too, then you quickly back out. If the other person doesn't say it again and lets you do it, well deal with it and do it. Also screw them for making you do that random thing you don't want to do!

"Here you go" Nick says as he passes me the glass of water. "Thank you so much-" I say with a smile and I take a breath to finish my sentence but Mackenzie jumps ahead.

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