Chapter 1:Stand Tall

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"Lydia, Lydia!" Kenzie calls to me from the other side of the store, "yeah I'm coming" I moan as I reluctantly move away from the shoes I had my eyes on.

"Yes your highness?" I tease once I reach her. "Ok so, it's between this dress and this one" she said holding up two dresses to me.

I take one from her and hold it up against her "definitely this one, it suits you really well". Well actually I have no clue, she always tells me that I have zero fashion sense. I hear her phone ping and a shocked look falls over her face. "Oh my god! My dad got the tickets to see that concert tonight at the Orphium, the Panic At The Disco one!" I just stare at her blankly "oh right, they are really famous".

"That's brilliant I'm sure you and your dad are going to have a great time, it sounds amazing" I say with a small laugh as I pass the dress back to her.

"Oh, I just got another text, Dad isn't going to be able to make it, Lydia you have to come with me, forget the music rule for one night and come with me" she practically begs and I have a mental battle with myself before giving in.

"Ok! Fine but my parents can't know ok, if they find out I went to a concert they will ground me for life" my parents have banned music from my life because of an incident that happened before I was born.

"Great, just tell them that you are staying round mine tonight, my dad knows not to let it slip" Mackenzie has been my best friend since I can remember, I spend more time round her house than I ever do my own.

She is practically my sister and her dad treats me like one of the family and he doesn't agree with some of my parents parenting choices at all so he never tells them if I break any of their ridiculous rules.

"Ok, we have two hours before the concert so let's go get those shoes you were eyeing up and let's go" she says as she puts back the dress I chose for her.

"If you were just going to ignore my opinion then why ask me what dress" I tease with an over exaggerated eye roll. Kenzie just winks and replies "cause I knew whichever one you told me to get was the one I shouldn't get, oh and, I'm dressing you tonight" she takes my arm with a smile and pulls me back over to the shoes where she picks up the pair of boots that had caught my eye.

"Taking of parents, how's your mom?" I ask cautiously. Mackenzie's parents split a few years ago and so she doesn't see her mom very often due to her living in another state.

"She's, well, you know, she's alright, went on another date the other night, she said it went really well but apparently he told her that they should do it again sometime and I just can't break it to her" she says with a laugh but I can tell that it's hurting her.

She was so close to her mom before she moved and only seeing her face to face twice a year, sometimes only once, is heartbreaking for her. She would give anything for her mom to move back.

"Anyway, we have four hours until the concert so our best bet is to head back now,then we can get some food and chill out for a while until it's time to get ready" Mackenzie tells me clearly excited to style me for the concert.

It is a rare occasion that I let her do a makeover on me so when I let her she really takes advantage of it, but that is a future designer for you.

Kenzie lives practically right next to a Macdonalds, I honestly can't understand how she is so thin!

"Can you, hold, this" she says struggling with the amount of bags she was carrying. "Oh yeah" I say with a laugh as I take a couple of the bags from her. "I'm going to have to stop and text my parents, they told me to be back in, a few minutes" I use my chin to hold one of the bags as I struggle with my phone.

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