On the GalacticArc [3]

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Yashin & Jiyu finally arrived at a local space station. Luckily Yashin knew a friend of her father's that could lend them a hand with space travel!

 "Pico!" Yashin screamed out to catch the attention of her family friend. A boy with lilac purple hair & matching white marks on his face with green & brown heteronymous eyes was standing looking at a piece of paper. He heard Yashin's call and turned around, excited to see his old friend. Jiyu looked rather annoyed at the boy's excited expression of seeing Yashin. 

 "Yashin! Hey, how are you?" Pico asked. "I'm great Pico! How's everything with you?" Yashin returned the question as Jiyu just yawned, catching Pico's attention. "I'm great too but who's this?" He asked, confused as Pico hasn't met Jiyu yet. "This is my friend, Jiyu!'' Yashin said with a smile as Jiyu waved and remembered what Pico was focused on before their arrival. ''Hey... What's that?'' she pointed to the paper he had been holding. ''It's just a terms of service type of thing... Requirments to get my Ship License!'' He held it up with a slight grin. ''I see...'' Yashin mumbled as Pico shakes his head to forget the paper for a moment, ''Right, well I'm sure you came here for a reason, right?'' He lifted his eyebrow in a curious manner. 

''Right! We actually need your help with space travel stuff!" Yashin finally got to the point of their arrival as Pico lights up and says "Well your in luck because I just so happen to own my own spaceship! Don't have the license for it yet though..." He exclaimed as he showed the two girls to the spacecraft storage area. ''Well, why not just fly it anyway?'' Jiyu asked, arms crossed with a straight face. ''What? Just fly my own ship without a license?! I could get in trouble for that!'' Pico exclaimed, concerned for the morality of Yashin's friend. ''Well... Sorry, Pico but we really need this! It's kinda to save the world...'' Yashin shyly looked to the side and then back to Pico with puppy-dog eyes. ''I- ugh... Fine but you better take the responsibility if I get in trouble!'' Eyes lit up, Jiyu exclaimed with a wide, cheesy grin ''Deal!''. 

The three walked over to the hangar area where the Ship's were stored. He pushed the button to storage hanger #08 and inside was a snowy white spaceship with similar patterns to Pico's marks but in galaxy print. "I call it 'GalacticArc'!" He mentioned as both Yashin & Jiyū was still staring in shock at the large space shuttle. "I can drive the ship and you can tell me where ya need to go!" He recommended as Yashin exploded with excitement saying "Yesyesyyes! That would be pretty awesome! Right Jiyū?" Yashin asked, looking over at her close friend. "Right..." Jiyū said, although, in an unsure tone, she was realistically jealous of having another team member on the adventure. Either way, she compiled with herself and got along with the soon-to-be spaceship captain known as Pico.

About half an hour passed as the three got to know each other more while packing the ship with supplies. "So where is it you two wanted to go exactly?" Pico asked. "Well, we don't specifically know where... But do you know if anyone in the other galaxies would know about an evil shadow called Itazura?" Yashin asked as Pico gave a confused look but then a look of realization. "Oh! I'm not sure if they could help with 'Itazura' but they know a lot about mystical, magical, and legend-type stuff! We could ask them for help!" Pico suggested as Jiyū smiled and said "I think they'd be able to do at least something if that's the case." as Yashin agreed. "So who is it?" Yashin asked, curiously. "A small galactic kingdom of Crystopia. Basically, their whole aesthetic is crystals & galaxy but they also know pretty much any mysterious stuff, like whoever 'Itazura' is." Pico explained as best as he could as Jiyū started to get interested in meeting galactic royalty & Yashin was also pretty psyched. "Alrighty! We ready to go?" Pico asked as the girls nodded and followed him onto the ship. They buckled up their seatbelts and watched as the blue sky turned darker and darker, the further away they went. Jiyū was super excited as she looked out the window with an amazing sparkle in her eyes, mouth ajar and rapidly smiling while her tail was slowly swaying from side to side. Yashin was more amazed at the smooth piloting from Pico, who hasn't gotten his license yet, rather than the beautiful galaxy.

Speaking of this gorgeous galaxy, the night sky from space looked illuminating as Jiyu's hands rested on the thick yet clean glass of the GalacticArc. Stars light up the sky like a parade or festival. Other planets were spotted from far away as stop stations were isolated in the large void that originally lived above them. 

Yashin looked over at Jiyu as she adored her admiration. Her grassy-green eyes moved her focus from the blonde cat to the interior of the ship. The clean and sparkly white walls and the soft, tiled black and lilac flooring contrasted yet complimented each other, making Pico's ship even more of a beauty. Pico in the captain's seat, focusing and driving wherever Crystopia is, Jiyu leaning on one of the windows to the side, then Yashin just sitting in one of the spinny chairs at the front of the ship, along with Pico's control panel. 

Suddenly, A red light flashed from the top left corner of the small touchscreen next to Pico's seat. He looked over, distressed as he turned around to the two girls, putting the ship on autopilot.  Jiyu finally turned around from her gaze as Yashin took her attention to what she thought was a rumble at the back of the ship. ''Yashin, Jiyu... I think the ship's been attacked from the back.'' Pico said, nervously breaking the news. ''What?! The ships being attacked?!'' Yashin cried out in shock, worried for her friends and their journey. ''That can't be! Why would someone want to attack us?!'' Jiyu exclaimed, as her tail wrapped around her waist and her ears flopped down. 

''Guys, I think I heard someone at the back of the ship...'' Yashin finally spoke up to what she heard. ''I guess we have to deal with whoever it is?'' Jiyu questioned, as all three synced a dramatic stare to the back of the ship. ''Or whatever it is.'' Pico continued, still worried as he stood from his seat.

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