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Together, forever and always. I never thought forever would be so short. Instead of living out our lives, we sat on our deathbeds. Losing her would be the final straw, the straw that broke the camel's back. Except in this situation, the camel was me and the straw was the girl who fought for her life across the room. It wasn't supposed to end this way, this was never meant to happen.

I guess we should've known, peace solves nothing when we the universal language is violence. We had been taught that language since the day we were thrown into a hell on Earth called life. All we knew was how to fight, to kill, and to win. Love, loss, and grief were a foreign language I wish we never learned. My instincts said to run and save her, no matter who I hurt in the process. My restraints however, had different plans. I was to sit helplessly and watch as the person I'd give my life for, gave hers for me.

The screams and struggles of the Alters slowly faded until only Alea, the woman who planned to kill her, and I existed. In that moment, the world was made of the three of us and nothing more.

"Please, she doesn't deserve this!" I pleaded, but the woman's expression was emotionless and unfazed. Heartless bitch.

"You're right. She doesn't deserve this, but I'm not doing this to her. Death doesn't happen to the dead, it happens to the living. To those who are forced to live the rest of their life knowing those they love won't be a part of it. Alea is going to die, and you will live. I pray that your life is a long and miserable one, Devon Pierce." The woman replied blankly. As she raised her sword, the world slowed even more than it already had. She tightened her grip and, though I couldn't see it, I know in that moment, she smiled.

"No!" I screamed as the sword pierced Alea squarely in the chest. She crumbled to the floor as the woman withdrew her sword, making sure to clean off any remaining blood. "Until next time," the woman said as she snapped her fingers and disappeared along with her guards. Seconds later, my restraints disappeared as if they were never there at all. I ran over to Alea and sat her gingerly in my lap.

"You're gonna be okay. I'm not letting you die!" I knew the words that came from my mouth were a lie, but I wanted to believe them. I wanted to believe I could save her. I didn't have to see the other Alters to know they were thinking the same thing. If only I was stronger, or faster, or better. Maybe I could've done something. These words meant nothing. They wouldn't undo what had been done, nothing would. We knew when we began that our futures were written. I wanted so desperately not to believe it, but I feel I'm forced to now. Otherwise I'd have to accept that her death was avoidable and that it only happened because of the part we played in her life, the part I played in her life.

Every second felt like an hour, a blessing. No, she's in pain. I thought to myself. A curse disguised as a blessing. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't keep her trapped in her own torture simply because I wasn't ready to let go.

"You-" she stuttered through staggered breaths, "You made me a promise. Keep it." The twinkle in her eye that I had grown so attached to slowly faded. Her eyes no longer told the story of her past, present and future... they were just there. A tear streamed down Alea's face as she closed her eyes for the last time.

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